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Saturday, 21 July 2012



CHARLES GREEN is more than a proven liar. Charles Green is a two faced, back stabbing hypocrite who is making a fool out of Rangers supporters.


Charles Green is someone who is treating everyone who supports Rangers with complete disdain.


You don’t believe me?


Well, consider the traitorous act of betrayal Charles Green has just committed.


First, Charles Green made a big song and dance about creating a bogey man for Rangers supporters to target, by drawing the big bull’s eye on the back of Scottish Football Association chief executive, Stewart Regan.


Not that it took much rabble rousing from snake oil salesman Charles Green to whip up the passions of the Ibrox legions to hate Regan, a man who has never appeared happier than when he is giving Rangers a good kicking.


Having made Stewart Regan out to be the demon, the man who will stop at nothing to do down and damage Rangers, Charles Green even took to trying to make further use of that hatred of Regan by comparing his own unpopularity among the Rangers legions with their feelings towards Regan.


Charles Green cracked that Regan could not even win a chief executive’s popularity contest if the pair of them were the only contestants. It was cringe making stuff and easily seen through by the vast majority of sane, sensible and rational Rangers supporters.


As I pointed out a few days ago, what Charles Green is actually doing is stealing from the Craig Whyte book of propaganda and creating a pantomime villain for Rangers supporters to direct their ire at, leaving Green, as Whyte before him was left, to get on with raping Rangers.


But there was a major flaw in Charles Green’s plan. A big fly in the ointment Charles Green was trying to massage the Ibrox fans with.


It is the identity of those who own Rangers. The shareholders in Sevco.


The people whose names Charles Green will not reveal to Rangers supporters. The folk who are hiding away behind the Blue Pitch Holdings name.


Charles Green will not tell Rangers supporters who these people are.


But he has told the man he has demonised to those Rangers supporters. Charles Green has told Stewart Regan.


That is why Charles Green is a two faced back stabbing hypocrite who is treating Rangers supporters as fools.


That is the act of betrayal which has been committed on Rangers supporters by Charles Green.


And that is why no sane, sensible, rational Rangers supporter should trust Charles Green. They should not trust Charles green with their club. And they should most certainly not trust Charles Green with their money. Charles Green is a proven liar. He is untrustworthy.


My inside info is that Charles Green and his scheme to make millions out of Rangers is getting close to the grubber. That he is under growing pressure from his investors – Blue Pitch Holdings among them – to make good on his promises of being able to use Rangers to make them a fast profit. A quick buck.


Which is why I can confidently predict that Charles Green will launch another assault on the bank accounts of Rangers supporters. Another cash grab aimed at finding funds and conning supporters.


Which is why all Rangers fans should keep close tabs on their bank statements and credit card statements in the coming days. For Charles Green, devious at the best of times, is now fast becoming a cornered rat.


And we know what cornered rats are like.


Vicious, ugly and rat like.


A bit like the two faced lying, scheming, hypocrite who goes by the name of Charles Green.


A man who wants Rangers fans to hate Stewart Regan, but who has told Stewart Regan what he simply refuses to tell Rangers fans.


Stewart Regan knows who owns Rangers. But Rangers fans do not.

Edited by the gunslinger
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I see Leggat is trying to make out that it's Green that's trying to make out that Regan is against us. So you think that Regan is OK, you tossspot? :ffs:


As for who owns Rangers, I thought most of that had been disclosed? Perhaps he's taking the John Brown approach and sticking his fingers in his ears when he doesn't want to hear an answer that doesn't suit his agenda?

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personally I though green was sucking up regans arese far to much for my liking.


but the last line is why I posted it.


So you are also ignoring the fact that most of the information has been disclosed?

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Guest Dutchy

Folk are saying that all the ownership issues have been resolved, but I don't know who owns us.


On the whole, as long as it's not anything to do with Whyte, I'm easy-osey with some money freaks seeking to cash in on us, but they will go, sooner or later.


It would be nice though if Green just came out and told us who owns the property, because the longer he hides the info, the longer the division amongst Rangers fans will last.

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