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The RFFF met with Rangers Chief Executive Charles Green on Monday afternoon and forcefully put forward supporter's concerns regarding the ongoing SPL investigation into the club's affairs.


Mr Green stated that the club had specifically retained the right to protect itself so that any action would be defended vigorously and with all resoruces of the club. The integrity of the club will be robustl

y defended by all means necessary.


The RFFF expressed supporters concerns that the vindictive vendetta against the club, often motivated by non-footballing factors, must be exposed. Additionally, Mr Green was urged to ensure that the club's legal representatives tackled the glaringly obvious issues of transparency, prejudical statements made by football figures and conflicts of interest which have been allowed to overshadow reality.


Mr Green said that he was fully aware of the concerns of fans and that he and the Board of the club were committed to defend the reputation of the club to the fullest extent possible.

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Not wanting to stir up a can of worms :devil: heh heh...but Mr Green is like a Mr Rangers as things go.


I'm happy with the guy and dearly hope my forthrightness isn't blasted out of the sky in a moment of ignorance and ill gotten thoughts.


....54 and counting is a fact and 'no way Jose' will that be anything other.

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