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Paul Elliotts' Little White Lie

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If he's been on Sky, he's plainly not 'away'.


Therefore, the OP must be in line for an answer imminently.


If he doesn't get one, the only action open is for either the club to sue for defamation (unlikely) or for a fan to bring an action independently.

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I emailed the link to this story about Elliot to my brother, titled 'You'll Hate This Guy'.............(he does not follow football)


Please understand MY memory is shot to pieces and his memory is sharp.


I am posting his reply to me. Please take the time to read it.


Hmm. I totally see your point. I was struck by the emphasis the ‘banana’ incident took in this piece and I was slightly taken aback when I read the first instance of it – and I’ll take it directly from the article; “"I remember I was having a terrible time in the match, and somebody threw a banana which hit my leg. I actually picked up the banana, peeled back the skin and ate it, then threw it back at the offender.”… When I read that my jaw hit the floor, because I can categorically assure you that the first time I’d heard that ‘banana’ story – yes, I had previously heard this same story – was from yourself. Surprised? You know I can delve into the distant past at a given moment and I clearly recall you telling me, years ago, of a ‘Gers game you’d been to when this very incident occurred. But the big difference was that it didn’t involve Paul Elliot, but Davie Cooper. I distinctly remember you coming back from the game – I could be wrong but something tells me it was against Motherwell at Fir Park – and there were indeed racist chants, directed at a Rangers player of the day. The chants from the opposing fans could have been directed at Mark Walters or whoever Black player was in the Rangers pool during the time Davie Cooper was playing – certainly the only Black player on the pitch between the two teams.

Anyway, I recall your light-hearted telling of the story and apparently during the course of the match, a banana was thrown onto the pitch whereby Davie Cooper stooped to pick it up, peeled it back and took a bite before throwing it onto the trackside and continuing with his game. I vividly remember you telling me that and it is a fact. I distinctly remember you telling the story from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, and it stuck with me because it was obviously quite a witty thing for Cooper to do and it was related by you in a similarly witty fashion. I also remember thinking at the time that although it was a light-hearted approach, Cooper’s actions appeared to take the heat out of a potentially awkward situation.

As far as I’m concerned, Davie Cooper is the true and genuine source of this story and it most-probably made its way through the football fraternity, particularly among the (few) Black players of the day, as amusing dressing-room banter. Paul Elliot - in the full knowledge that Davie Cooper can’t refute his pish – has hi-jacked it for his own ends. What a fucking charlatan he is.[/i]


Are there any Bears out there who recollect this game? As I said - I've forgotten all about it.

Edited by 54andcounting
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Their response:


Thank you very much for contacting Sky Sports News.


We are grateful to everyone who takes the time to get in touch with us although unfortunately we are not able to reply to individual messages.


Our automated system displays every message in full screen and we do read all of them.


If you have queries about Sky’s services, please check out http://www.sky.com or contact our Customer Relations department on 08442 41 41 41.


You can also contact us via our website: http://www.skysports.com



Granted I probably used the wrong email but was the first I could find when being rushed to go to work.


Need to work out how I follow it up as that is pretty poor.

Edited by Super_Ally
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There's not much mileage in coming on like an outraged fan of a specific team. The only approach which will cut any ice with organisations like Sky is if they are found to employ people who either hold or endorse what are now 'unacceptable opinions', Andy Gray and Richard Keys being two recent and good examples.


Now, Elliot is making a career out of fighting racism and that is to be applauded. It needs fought! However, that doesn't give him carte blanche, if you will forgive the expression, to lie; this only gives racists an easy get out clause along the lines of 'you can ignore him, he makes it up anyway'. Attention needs to be drawn to Elliot's extremely questionable memories on the grounds that they will only hinder the fight against racism, not on the grounds that they are insulting to This FC or That FC.


Avoid mentioning us, point to the bigger picture.

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There's not much mileage in coming on like an outraged fan of a specific team. The only approach which will cut any ice with organisations like Sky is if they are found to employ people who either hold or endorse what are now 'unacceptable opinions', Andy Gray and Richard Keys being two recent and good examples.


Now, Elliot is making a career out of fighting racism and that is to be applauded. It needs fought! However, that doesn't give him carte blanche, if you will forgive the expression, to lie; this only gives racists an easy get out clause along the lines of 'you can ignore him, he makes it up anyway'. Attention needs to be drawn to Elliot's extremely questionable memories on the grounds that they will only hinder the fight against racism, not on the grounds that they are insulting to This FC or That FC.


Avoid mentioning us, point to the bigger picture.


You are correct actually. And that is the crux of it. Despite being an anti-racism campaigner as a proven liar he is damaging to that cause.


Edit: Just looked at my email and actually think it comes across ok. Had to mention us to demonstrate he is a liar but without making it solely about being a disgruntled Rangers fan, I feel.

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Dear Sirs,


Could you please explain to me why you used Paul Elliot on today's news broadcasts to give his views on racism? In a report about a racist incident at the Spurs - Lazio game you ultimately went to Paul Elliot for his views on racism in modern football.


The issue is that Paul Elliot is a proven liar when it comes to this topic and has no credibility.


I include the link below that demonstrates Mr Elliot's lies:




I would strongly suggest that you reconsider using someone for comment who has little relationship with the truth.


I look forward to hearing your response.


Yours Sincerely





Only had 5 mins before work but its a start. Emailed to sky sports just now.


You are right and I wasn't digging your email in particular - but the highlighted bit is not absolute fact, as yet. I mean, you and I both know it is true but you have to go the extra mile to persuade someone who knows nothing about it. Plus the final statement is approaching a demand, which they will dial out as soon as they see it. More effective to raise concerns about this - 'I'm sure Sky doesn't want to get involved with this, but you should be aware there is a possibility of being caught in bad publicity. Maybe you should use someone who isn't a lying prick'.


Alright, maybe not the last sentence. But listen, you wrote to them and I didn't, so I'm in no position to lecture!

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