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Gers chief Charles Green says fans have turned him blue

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I know this is from early today but I'm just catching up and thought I'd post it.




Feeling the love: Gers chief Charles Green says fans have turned him blue


IN an exclusive interview with the Daily Record, the Light Bluesâ?? chief executive admitted he was just looking to make money when he walked through the doors of the stricken club in June.



CHARLES Green has revealed that he has fallen in love with Rangers.


And the Yorkshireman wants Ibrox fans to know he feels just as strongly about the club as they do.


In an exclusive interview with the Daily Record, the Light Bluesâ?? chief executive admitted he was just looking to make money when he walked through the doors of the stricken club in June.


But today he says: â??I have totally changed my thinking.â?


During a whirlwind three months, Rangers were dumped into Division Three and Green got involved in toxic disputes with the SPL and SFA.


But he has led a remarkable fightback and the club have now sold more than 30,000 season tickets.


And they are expecting a crowd of more than 40,000 for their first home league game of the season against East Stirling today.


Asked if he was only at Ibrox to make cash, Green admitted: â??I still want to make money on transactions but I donâ??t want to take any money out of Rangers and abuse this position, like has been done in the past.


â??I donâ??t want to leave without making this club great again. I have a lot of feeling for Rangers now.


â??If I am being entirely honest, when I first started to get involved, I probably didnâ??t understand the level of responsibility of the club and its success and history. This was a huge club with a great heritage. I didnâ??t know too much about it all until I set foot through the front doors â?? but I definitely do now.


â??You cannot miss what has happened to the club and it is something I take very seriously.


â??The fans have got an even bigger us-against-them attitude now â?? and who can blame them after what has happened this summer?â?


Green says he has been stopped in the street by fans wanting to thank him for saving Rangers.


He added: â??You donâ??t want a pat on the back but the message Iâ??m getting now is much better than when I first arrived.


â??The animosity towards me personally, and my group, in the early days was quite shocking.


â??But the progress over the past few months has been really good. I feel that people know Iâ??m not going to make a mockery of them.


â??In the early days, some of the things said and written werenâ??t right but we have done everything we promised the fans. They can see we donâ??t have an agenda. All we want to do is make Rangers great again.


â??The fans are now coming along in their thousands and people are thanking me for saving their club.


â??I am starting to feel something now and get an attachment for Rangers. I never wanted to get attached to the club but I have found that is different now.


â??You can say what you want about me but Iâ??m determined to make sure I finish the job I started.


â??I wouldnâ??t feel comfortable handing over the reins to someone to finish what I started.


â??Then, when I decide to leave and make this club rise again, I can say to the Rangers fans, â??Thanks for believing in us and getting behind usâ??.â?


Green wants to move on from misdemeanours in Rangersâ?? past but doesnâ??t think he is being allowed to.


The SPL booted them out of the top flight and they have also been punished by the SFA.


He said: â??Disappointingly, I donâ??t think anybody wants to draw a line under what has happened at Rangers in the past but we do. It wasnâ??t even me that caused this but Iâ??m looking to clear the debts and everything.


â??We have said all along that we would welcome money to make this club great again.


â??We had to get to the stage of paying all the debts before bringing in investors and floating the club on the stock market.


â??We are putting this club on the stock market so there will be the chance for fans to buy shares as well.


â??There will be more investors coming in and we are offering the chance to fans to get involved as well.â?


The possible involvement of Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley hasnâ??t gone down well with some fans but Green said: â??He did a fantastic job at Newcastle and doesnâ??t get the credit he deserves.


â??Mike is a potential shareholder and, with merchandising, he will be helping us with Sport Direct.


â??If anyone in the world knows about sports merchandising, itâ??s Sports Direct. He is going to be a great addition.â?


Fans are still turning up in droves and Green believes that will ensure the club donâ??t sink into oblivion.


He said: â??We have sold a lot of season ticket books â?? thatâ??s an endorsement if we ever needed it.


â??It is really satisfying to see the crowds coming out to support the club and they know now that I am not in this for the wrong reasons.â?




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