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Comments from Falkirk chairman Martin Ritchie

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From FFC forum:


Things are never quite as simple as they may seem. What is harmless banter to one person is a breach of the SFA's Articles to another. What is joke to some may prove antogonistic to others. The board is duty bound to act in Falkirk FC's best interests. That comes before all else and we have to take into account the views of our fans (many of whom complained about Saturday's comments), the SFA rules and regulations, and security and crowd safety issues. We also have to try to protect our income streams so that we can strengthen our team.


Why did we take action over Saturday's announcement? First, as a member of the SFA we must abide by SFA rules. What was said could land us with a hefty fine. Second, our primary duty at matches is safety. We cannot antagonise a potentially volatile opposing support. And, the visit to Ibrox next week should mean that instead of telling Steven Pressley to sell a player, we will be able to allow him to sign one. So we want a fullhouse at Ibrox!


Our board is totally focussed on Falkirk Football Club and our success. We have little interest in what happens with Rangers. We have worked tirelessly over the summer to promote our interests with the SFA (Academy status) and SPL (U 20 league) as well with SFL and SPL clubs to promote a larger top league. Much of this is unseen by our fans but I would assure you this is the case. Rest assured, none of us have any sympathy for Rangers.


I hope you understand why we had to move swiftly and take appropriate action. I would now like us to focus on our team and what we do on the pitch.



Martin Ritchie

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The chairman speaks on the club's board. Does he think somesuch as the below will go done any better with the Bears than the comments of the stadium announcer:


... We cannot antagonise a potentially volatile opposing support. ...


... Rest assured, none of us have any sympathy for Rangers.


While I expect no sympathy from other clubs' officials, I neither would expect them to publicly state it. As for "potentially volatile", how dumb is that ...

Edited by der Berliner
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That's just a bizarre statement, "we have to pretend to be nice to them, they can give us money, but we don't really mean it". I thought reprimanding the announcer was a farce, it's trivial, we're going to get the 'Sevco' name thing for a while, particularly if people think it bothers us. When I heard he'd said something I assumed he'd called us 'huns' or worse, that would have warranted action.


Anyway, Falkirk are SPL wannabees he's simply following their lead, we shouldn't be surprised at his duplicitous nature.

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Hhhmmm, what Martin Ritchie has failed to explain is whether Dave Mac(the former PA announcer) was suspended as a CONSEQUENCE or as a PUNISHMENT?


Apparently, we the people do NOT know the difference. BBC Scotland's Jim Spence, Stuart Cosgrove, Rheinhart Gordon, Chris McLaughlin, ..................... et al have continuedly said so; thus I am sure they will furnish us with the appropriate answer. All in the interests of our continued education, you understand?


I am sure Dave Mac can now add the soubriquet, 'bad boy'. Maybe, he will prefer the tag-line, 'Dave Bad Bairn Mac'. Sounds really dangerous!

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That parasite Ritchie reminds me of a natural history documentary i saw many years ago. Were this little parasitical bird hitched a lift on the back of a Buffalo. Every so often it would peck a small wound in a soft spot on the Buffalo and drink it's blood, the Buffalo being so big and strong never noticed the little bird sucking it's lifeblood, but just carried on as usual being wary and watchful for the Hyenas and Jackals.


There's a moral in there somewhere.

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