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Doing The Right Thing

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IAN BLACK is enjoying the backing of the Rangers fans and admits heâ??s been delighted to win their support so quickly.


The former Hearts midfielder says he had some concerns about his move to Ibrox, but support from the Rangers fans recently after he was booed while playing for Scotland suggests to Black heâ??s ahead of schedule in winning them over.


He said: â??Coming here I was a wee bit worried, I knew if I went out and did the job right, I could win them over. And I must be doing something right for them to be singing songs for me.


â??I just concentrate on playing. What goes on outside the pitch isnâ??t important. Once youâ??re over the white line you donâ??t focus on that.


â??Everyone talks about reputations, but if you look at the kicks Iâ??ve had over the ones Iâ??ve given out I think there have been more directed at me.


â??People tar me with a bad brush, but it doesnâ??t faze me. If they want to come and kick me they can do that, Iâ??ll just get up and get on with it.â?


Black will aim to do exactly that this weekend when he travels to Berwick with Ally McCoistâ??s squad for a match he is looking forward to.


And he insists that feeling will remain for the duration of the season, not disappear within a few weeks.


He added: â??It will be good. Itâ??s going to be hard but Iâ??m looking forward to getting in to the competitiveness after being in training all week.


â??Itâ??s what you look forward to. We know it will be tough going away from home but weâ??ve worked hard and weâ??ll be ready for it.


â??Itâ??s been everything I expected so far. I knew it was going to be tough. I have a few mates that play at this level so I kept an eye on it.


â??Weâ??re in here full time with facilities like this and a club like this. Itâ??s got everything you need and you should be motivated enough to play.


â??If you arenâ??t motivated in a couple of weeksâ?? time then I think you should be hanging up your boots.â?



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He's delivered notable performances so far and I don't see why he shouldn't keep it up. Beyond that he seems like a lad who can lead a team, that is very indeed needed right now. What's in the past is in the past, I have no antipathy towards him.

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I like him but I'm not totally convinced by his general talents. McKay is the one player who has stood out for me. The way he played when he came on at the weekend sort of reminded me of Chris Burke, who in his youth used to come on and really excite the crowd. Unfortunately Burke never really made the grade, though perhaps another misused player as he has been a stand out in the championship

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