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Exclusive: Rangers to be fined upwards of £10 million.

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…the SPL aren’t at all interested in Rangers titles, what they are interested in however is the potential to recoup 10 years worth of prize money…


…the SPL care of Lord Nimmo will announce Rangers guilt and a fine totaling between £10-20 million pounds will issued. The initial fine will be overinflated as Rangers will inevitably appeal.


This will cause a Mexican standoff between Rangers, the SPL, the SFA and FIFA. If Rangers take their case to CAS then there’s a strong chance of the fine just being reduced. If they take their appeal outside of football as they did with the transfer ban then they will incur the wrath of FIFA who have little enough patience as it is on this matter. If Rangers refuse to pay citing that the newco aren’t liable for the damages then the SPL will threaten to refuse entry on the grounds that Rangers newco agree’d to pay the debt of the oldco…


Shockingly pathetic if this proves to be true.

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Guest ibrox64

not to worry too much-if the SPL can't pay their obligations on time, and with Reagan's superior leadership i would wager their ship continues to take on water and slowly sink

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â?¦the SPL arenâ??t at all interested in Rangers titles, what they are interested in however is the potential to recoup 10 years worth of prize moneyâ?¦


�the SPL care of Lord Nimmo will announce Rangers guilt and a fine totaling between £10-20 million pounds will issued. The initial fine will be overinflated as Rangers will inevitably appeal.


This will cause a Mexican standoff between Rangers, the SPL, the SFA and FIFA. If Rangers take their case to CAS then thereâ??s a strong chance of the fine just being reduced. If they take their appeal outside of football as they did with the transfer ban then they will incur the wrath of FIFA who have little enough patience as it is on this matter. If Rangers refuse to pay citing that the newco arenâ??t liable for the damages then the SPL will threaten to refuse entry on the grounds that Rangers newco agreeâ??d to pay the debt of the oldcoâ?¦



Two questions arise in my mind. Will there still be an SPL but the time we're in a position to be re-admitted? They are losing money and credibility like snow off a dyke so what shape will they be in in a year's time or 3 year's time? Second, would we want to be re-admitted to such a corrupt and incompetent organisation anyway? If they said you can't join until you pay us £10 million and we said "that's fine, we'll stay in the SFL thank you very much" what could they do? And what effect would it have on them? It would deprive the SPL clubs of yet another season's income (if we didn't boycott them anyway) and serve to highlight to the world the wider issue. What other country would blackmail its most successful club in return for rightful promotion to the top tier of football?


The bottom line is that the threat only works if SPL membership brings in more than we're likely to be fined. Only guaranteed access to the Champions League group stages offers that and that isn't the SPL's to grant anyone.

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your probably right but it looks so like something the SPL would do.


let's not forget they essentially charged us 2.5 million just to let us leave the SPL.


Nothing would surprise me any more GS, Doncaster probably read it and thought wells there's an idea.

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Guest ibrox64

maybe he should rename it the Sordid Pathetic League while he is at it. Although, he could still be wrapped up with the definition of bigotry for now.

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