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Saturday, 25 August 2012






CHARLES GREEN has won over Rangers supporters to such an extent that by this time next week the season ticket sales tally will hit the 40,000 mark.



That is more than it was when Rangers went into the campaign in the Scottish Premier League this time last year as defending champions. It is an amazing statement of faith in their team, despite its Third Division status, from angry fans.



But so far, that response from Rangers fans has been more of a direct two fingers up to the Scottish Premier League, the Scottish Football Association and everyone else who those supporters rightly believe hate their club.



So far, despite some grudging acceptance of Charles Green, the vast majority of those fans remains sceptical of Charles Green and the men whose interests the chief executive officer represents.



Most supporters I have spoken to will accept and admit that much of the work they see Charles Green has done meets with their approval. And they agree with some of what he has said. But it is a grudging approval, a reluctant agreement and every supporter I have spoken to adds the wordsâ?¦ so far.



They are also quick to add, they still have reservations about Charles Green.



But there is one thing Charles Green could do to convince even the biggest doubters. One thing he could do to ensure even his most outspoken critic â?? thatâ??s me â?? will view him in a different way.



One thing he could do to earn more than just the benefit of the doubt.



It is quite simply this. Charles Green could convince Walter Smith that this regime is good for Rangers. Good for the future well-being of the club and good for the vast army of Rangers supporters.



And if my information is right, then I believe Charles Green has already started to woo the man Rangers supporters trust more than any other in the world and who they refer to simply asâ?¦. â??Sirâ? Walter.



Charles Green invited Walter Smith to be his guest in the directorsâ?? box at Ibrox when Rangers met East Stirling in their opening home Third Division game last week.



But it is what happened afterwards which may point the way ahead for Charles Green.



For the two men met for the first time and spent almost an hour in private conversation. I would love to have been a fly on the wall.



One of the many things Walter Smith most assuredly is, is a very good judge of men. He is a shrewd judge of character.



Therefore, if Charles Green can convince Walter Smith his intentions are honourable towards the club Smith grew up supporting, became assistant manager off, before taking over to steer Rangers to nine-in-a-row, returned to for a second time around of three-in-a-row and a European final, then the chief executive will have won over all the doubters. And all of his critics.



Including me!



Do you sense a but coming? That Charles Green should then go even further?



Then youâ??re right.



What Charles Green should do is invite Walter Smith to take a seat in the Ibrox Boardroom. As I have said, no man is more trusted by Rangers supporters than Walter Smith. Honoured, revered and even worshipped too.



If Walter Smith felt comfortable enough with Charles Green to accept an invitation to become a Rangers director, that would be the final nail in the coffin of criticism of Charles Green. From everyone.



Including me!



However, I believe Charles Green will have to reveal more to Walter Smith than he has so far been willing to, to others, about the beneficial owners of Rangers. That is the men â?? or even just man â?? whose name is protected by Blue Pitch Holdings.



Were Smith to be satisfied as to the character and probity of the beneficial owner or owners, I believe he could be tempted to return for a third stint at the club.



And, once again, if Charles Green wishes to win over the sceptics, doubters and outspoken critics â?? thatâ??s me again â?? he should consider giving Walter Smith an active role as, for example, chairman, in place of the ineffectual Malcolm Murray.



For if Green is really determined to take on Stewart Regan and the Scottish Football Association, if Green is honestly determined to tangle with Neil Doncaster and the Scottish Premier League and if Green really does want to shake Celtic and Peter Lawwell and their influence inside the SFA and SPL, there is no better man to carry the fight to the enemies of Rangers than Walter Smith.



Indeed, Green could go even further. For if he manages to convince Walter Smith to return to Ibrox and take his rightful and fully earned place at the Boardroom table, then the time would be ripe to also invite that great Rangers legend, John Greig, to join him there.



With Walter Smith and John Greig as directors, the Ibrox board would start to look like a Rangers board of directors again. Rangers would start to look like Rangers again.



Charles Green took the first steps in the right direction when he invited Walter Smith to Ibrox last Saturday and spent so long talking to him. My view is that Smith will have thought long and hard about what Green told him.



If they meet again, Smith will have some hard, searching and probing questions prepared.



If Charles Green can answer them to the satisfaction of Walter Smith and back his claims with proof positive, then I believe the man Rangers supporters trust more than any other, will be back at Ibrox.



With John Greig soon follow-following him back up in the Marble Stairs he first climbed more than half a century ago.

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'Most supporters I have spoken to will accept and admit that much of the work they see Charles Green has done meets with their approval. And they agree with some of what he has said. But it is a grudging approval, a reluctant agreement and every supporter I have spoken to adds the wordsâ?¦ so far.'



I think you could replace the name Green, with any other, and most Rangers Supporters would still be thinking the same.

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