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If he's looking for Smith, Greig & McClelland back.....why not just go the whole hog and get Bain, P Murray, D Murray & Johnstone back??? A good solid Rangers board....with a track record, all be it a bad one!!!


Let make it like it was before Craig Whyte.....


From my position, the current board are doing a fine job so far....lets leave the past as it is, and look forward!!!

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Walter's involvement is not critical for me. I'd rather have a board run by a bunch of businessmen who know what they are doing, who can maximise the enormous potential of Rangers and make the club strong again than any number of ex-managers or ex-players who sat in the boardroom and slept through the mess that was being created by previous regimes.


This is new territory for Rangers. The club needs to be run as a business for a few years to ensure that when we come back we come back with the means to really take it to Celtic and all the others who thought they'd killed us off. If that requires outsiders who are hard-nosed businessmen who know how to do things instead of "Rangers men" then fine. We all know how much so many so-called "Rangers men" were really willing to back the club over the last few months. They had their chance and they blew it.

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The club needs to be run as a business for a few years


The club needs to be run as a business...PERIOD!!!! coz that's what it is!!!


The idea of the Business board & the footballing board is sound. Any "Rangers men" inc. Walter should not get past the football board - that's what they know about, so thats what they should stick to.

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Saturday, 25 August 2012




............Charles Green invited Walter Smith to be his guest in the directorsâ?? box at Ibrox when Rangers met East Stirling in their opening home Third Division game last week.



But it is what happened afterwards which may point the way ahead for Charles Green.



For the two men met for the first time and spent almost an hour in private conversation. I would love to have been a fly on the wall........


No you wouldn't have Leggo....they'd have 'swatted' you.

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