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Leggat - Deranged Phil Three Names

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WHAT follows is a reproduction of a blog which was published by Philmacgiollabhain.



After reading it you may feel no self respecting trade union in the British Isles would tolerate a man who expressed such views.



That anyone who seems to be drowning in such a bile of bigotry would not be allowed to remain as a member of any trade union in the British Isles.



You would be wrong!



For Philmacgiollabhain is not merely a member of the National Union of Journalists. Philmacgiollabhain holds not one, but two positions of power at the top table of the National Union of Journalists.



Philmacgiollabhain is a member of the National Union of Journalists Republic of Ireland Council.



And Philmacgiollabhain has recently been appointed as the editor of the Republic of Ireland National Union of Journalists â?? thatâ??s the same NUJ to which Scottish journalists belong â?? very own magazine.



Below is Philmacgiollabhain, in his own words.








"Professor Struth had waited a long time for this day.


â??They laughed at me in the institute. Laughed at me. AT ME!!!!!â?


Now it was time and soon the world would know their folly in underestimating his genius.


He had, ahem, acquired the sperm of a criminally insane murderer doing a life sentence.


His decision to use a ten thousand pound gorilla as mother was inspired.


Struth was convinced that these two were close enough to breed and he was correct.


Once impregnated it just sat in the corner and didnâ??t say much, but he was always aware of its presence.


He was betrayed by a colleague and the ethics council had rescinded his licence to work in the field of genetics.


And they said he was mad!




However, it wouldnâ??t have worked without the new type of incubator.


That was the key in all of this.


It was a cultural womb.


That was his breakthrough discovery.


Dodgy DNA just wasnâ??t going to make what he imagined.


The carefully selected genetics werenâ??t enough to fashion this creature.


His creature!


The music of Ulster flute bands was piped into the sealed unit.


He knew this could cause hearing damage, but it wasnâ??t in his plan that this creature would do much listening anyway.


Contained within this artificial womb he would nurture his baby Billy Boy.


Struth pumped in a unique food supply comprised of cheap lager and liquidised burgers.


Growth would be rapid due to the infusion of more steroids than in the Loyalist wings at Long Kesh.


It was important that no intellectual distraction or moral dilemma be allowed to contaminate the controlled environment.


The creature would come ready made with a series of responses that would appear inexplicable to ordinary humans.


The thing was shown images of Catholics Schools, Priests, Celtic, but most of all NEIL LENNON!


Each time an electric shock would be administered.


Concepts like tolerance, pluralism, and a benevolent curiosity in other people and other cultures would be anathema to this creation.


He knew his creature would be perfect.


This one was a prototype, but it could be programmed to hate any ethnic minority they just had to change the toxic mix in the incubator.


Soon he would have a modern production facility capable of churning out thousands of them.






Once cloned his beast could be exported to any regime that wanted to inflict chaos on a neighbour.


This was a truly horrible weapons system.


Sending several thousands of these hybrids into a city would paralyse it for days.


Suddenly and without warning policemen would be attacked for no discernible reason and normal riot control methods wouldnâ??t work.


Rubber bullets would simply be lost in the rolls of blubber.


The creature had been designed to have wrists so fat that they would be too thick for a regulation police handcuffs.


Even police dogs would contract diseases if they got their teeth into them.


The creature was also a platform for chemical warfare.


It had urine that was so toxic that when deployed in public places, like war memorials, it could spoil an entire city.


Struth had a contact in the Spanish interior ministry who wanted to stage a riot control exercise and use the system in Barcelona.


The professor was convinced that when it came to asymmetrical warfare his creature would have no equal.


The illiterate, drunken, urinating brain dead rioter would define urban combat in the 21st century.


In the age of the smart bomb his creature would now allow a commander to deploy weapons grade stupidity onto the modern battle space.


The thing had a microchip inserted into the back of its thick neck.


This meant that a rudimentary message could be sent at the same time to thousands of them


The communication could not be complex, but basic information could be processed.


This allowed many of them to be deployed using simple commands from one person of only average intelligence.


It was perfect!


The Hybrid Unique Networked System would make Struth famous.


Due to a lack of funds the professor had been forced to adapt a large wheelie bin, but it did the job.


To keep out the outside world he was forced to wrap the incubator in bin bags, the umbilical cord the exhaust pipe from an old ford transit.


The pygmies at the university had cut his funding, but he would show them!




Once this creature would be seen in action then the contracts and the orders would roll in.


It was now time, because if he left it in there any longer then the creature would be too big to get out of the incubator.


Using a block and tackle on the roof he pulled on the rope.


The plastic womb was tipped over, the bin bags were split open and sludge ran out all over the garage floor.


The huge creature was revealed to the world and it rolled out and rolled and rolled.


It was only stopped by the garage wall and it started to stumble to its feet.


Agility and grace was not part of the design specification of Struthâ??s creature.


The huge hulking abomination then stumbled towards the professor.


It opened its large mouth and the smell hit the scientist like a slap.


Struth stared and trembled slightly in awe of what he had created.


Finally it spoke:


â??We are the people!â?"




Now, I am pretty sure there are many honest, decent, hard working and fair minded journalists in Scotland of differing race, colour, class and creed who are fully paid up members of the National Union of Journalists, but who had no idea until now that they shared a trade union with a man of such views as those expressed above by Philmacghiollabhain..


Far less that such a person as Philmacghoillabhain held not just one, but two positions of such power and influence inside the National Union of Journalists, to which they pay around £300-a-year in membership fees.


Those journalists who work for the Daily Record and Sunday Mail may be further shocked to learn of the true views held by Philmacghiollabhain, especially as he is such a close associate of a fellow Mirror Group Newspapers employee, Brian Patrick McNally.


They may feel that this blog by Philmacgiollabhain is worth being brought to the notice of the National Union of Journalistsâ?? Ethics Council.



They may feel it is worth their while bringing it to the attention of the National Union of Journalistsâ?? full time paid organiser for Scotland, Paul Holleran.


While any other journalist who may have written in praise of Philmacgiollabhain in any publication or media website, may now feel contrition.


The defence of the right of free speech and of fair comment is a noble cause. But the right of free speech does not extend to someone running into a crowded hall and crying â??fireâ? when there is none.


But these are matters for Philmacgiollabhainâ??s fellow members of the National Union of Journalists. They bhave it in their power to instigate proceedings against Philmacgiollabhain.



What about the members of the general public? What can they do?


Well, hereâ??s a thought. On his blog Philmacgiollabhain describes himself as a Rebel Journalist and lists the newspapers and magazines he claims to work for.


He is a member of the National Union of Journalists and wants to be taken seriously as a journalist. The question which then has to be asked is this.


Is what Philmacgiollabhain writes on his blog journalism? Is it subject to the rule of the Press Complaints Commission?


Now, I am not going to say yea or nay. But it is perhaps something which is worth putting to the test by complaining to the Press Complaints Commission about the Philmacgiollabhain blog reproduced above.


Whether they decide to take action or not, whether they decide to seriously consider the complaint(s) and either uphold them or not, will be an interesting story to follow.



And one which is surely in the public interest and which will just as surely generate much public interest and publicity.


The Press Complaints Commission need complaints to be made in writing to â?? The Press Complaints Commission, Halton House, 20-23 Holborn, London EC1N 2JD.

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Concepts like tolerance, pluralism, and a benevolent curiosity in other people and other cultures would be anathema to this creation.


Then again, what he has to say about bluenoses is a bright light of tolerance and pluralism. What a nutter. Wonder if this one ever writes about his own club or just about us. Seems to be so in love with RFC that he forgets about Celtic. And yes, this should be taken action against. Chris Graham was perfectly right, if he would say this about any other group he would face some time in prison, rightly.

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