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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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There are two main reasons to defend someone's corner. The first is that they are completely innocent and all criticism is unjustified - that just doesn't apply to the club or the fans.


The second is if you are on some delusional or bigotted crusade and at all costs will defend who you associate with and attack who you hate. There are far more of them for Celtic than for Rangers.


There are other complications and when you see the way many Rangers fans speak of one who does stand up for us - Leggo, then you can understand why very few want to pick up the torch.


You will never get much defenders if your attitude is that you can do what you like and you don't care if everyone hates you. It's a terrible attitude that no neutral likes or wants to stand up for.


Sometimes, when everyone is against you, you have to look at yourself and question your own behaviour and attitudes. Or stop complaining that no-one stands up for you.


I believe they are far worse than us but then that is the reason they are defended by zealous bigots, but to the neutrals we don't do ourselves any favours.


The neutrals don't know any different because of the total imbalance in the media, one wee guy shouts out FTP (stupidly I may add) and its front page news and on all the radio news bulletins. While across the city they are running amok all over the country fighting with very bugger including themselves and giving it the IRAoke everywhere they go.


Is it any wonder that the support quickly gets a f#*k you mentality, it wouldn't matter if Rangers fans where pure as the driven snow they will still find something to hammer us with if it's not bigotry, it's flying the national flag, if it's not that it's being arrogant bastards.


If you continually hammer any person or group or even animal without one glimmer of hope they will quickly turn around and tell you to do one I'll do what I like, the alternative isn't any different.


So until the rangers fans start getting a balanced view from the media don't expect anything to change in fact expect those feelings to get more and more entrenched, and to be honest who could blame us.

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I'm still astounded that The Sun ever thought it was a good idea to serialise his nonsense.


With no reasearch about three names' background, to them it probably looked like an opportunity to have their sales rocket up with what they figured would be a scandalous book by a rebel journalist who isn't afraid to tell the "truth". Unfortunately this turned into a truly big time failure. Beauty!

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Our Club and our support are only seeking balance, fairness and factual reporting.

No more and no less.


I, for one, am determined to expose every single misdemeanor committed by those attacking us by letting the facts speak for themselves.

Anyone who doesn't like it can challenge or ignore these facts if they like.


The Public have a perception of us and our Club which has permeated over the years due to deliberate exaggerated mis-reporting as well as downright lies.

These anti-Rangers bloggers have nibbled away constantly over the years with these tales aided and abetted by "supporters" in influential positions.

The IRA have used threats and coercion for many, many years in order to cultivate a voice in the British media which has punched way above it's weight.


Now it's time to wake up and work to redress the balance.

No more drip, drip, drip anti-Rangers propaganda without repercussions.


Glasgow celtic are the athletic wing of the ira, sinn fein and the catholic church.

All of them are no more than anti-establishment organisations and want to change the status quo to suit their agenda.

In Scotland, despite only having about 15% of the entire population, they enjoy more than 50% of influential positions. Mostly achieved by discrediting the opposition than working for the good of the whole community.

A bad word against 1 of the group is an insult to all of them.

There will not be many people who only support one of these entities.

The football club sucks in recruits and before you know it they're part of the "celtic family"


Mentally ill narcissist mcgillivan, was formally an official with the SNP, are we going to sleepwalk to a "sinn fein" party in the Scottish Government or are we going to stand up now for the 85% ?


Expose the bigots and keep exposing them!

Expose their plans !

Expose their history !

Expose their lies.

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I am surprised that Alex Thomson got himself into this mess by endorsing this guy and does ask questions about the credibility of other aspects of his work.


Thomson calls himself an "Investigative Journalist" !!

He continues to defend mcgillivan.

He is part of the mess and knew who he was getting involved with.

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From VB site


Questions for Phil:




1. You once described Graham Spiers as your “new pal”. Subsequently, Spiers described you as “an odd and slightly vulnerable man”. How do you answer these allegations? Do Mr. Spiers’ claims have anything to do with your mental illness?


2. How do you answer internet allegations that you abused a young boy at a five-a-side football venue whilst you worked at Glasgow Social Work Department, resulting in one of your colleagues, namely ex-Morton player Jim Rooney, threatening you with violence?


3. Please explain fully the circumstances surrounding your departure from your position with Glasgow Social Work Department and indeed your subsequent departure from Scotland.


4. You claim to be a journalist. Please supply details of any relevant qualifications you hold and any full-time permanent employment you have held, and the publication(s) that employed you.


5. Why have you used three different surnames during your adult life, namely Gillivan, McGillivan and Mac Giolla Brain?


6. You once claimed live on Real Radio that your daughter Roisin was 8 years old when you explained The Famine Song to her, and that as a result, she was reduced to tears. Registrar records show Roisin to have been 14 at the time. Why did you lie? Was it in an attempt to invoke sympathy?


7. Is it fair to say that you are currently unemployed? If not, please name your employer.


8. Talking on the Slugger O’Toole website of your time as an SNP activist, you described yourself and your colleagues in the East End of Glasgow as “the SNP Provos”. Please explain why you used this term.


9. On the same website, you claimed to have “five brothers……a big family of fighting Irish.” The Registrar of births shows that your mother Bridgette had one child other than yourself, a girl, your sister. What made you tell this lie?


10. You recently claimed (on your blog) that you “regularly frequented a rather exclusive gentleman’s club in North Belfast…….The Felon’s Club in New Lodge”, a drinking establishment you claim was for Provisional IRA ex-Prisoners. Extensive enquiries concluded that no such club exists, or has ever existed. Can you explain why you concocted this fantasist lie?


11. Please state clearly the reasons for your wife Kathleen leaving you.


12. A “schoolteacher from Donegal” (with a Glasgow accent) phoned Real Radio claiming he and his children had been terrorised on a ferry trip from N.I. to Scotland, by bigoted, drunken, violent Rangers fans. Strangely enquiries to both the ferry company and supporters buses that had made the trip, found the “schoolteachers” pronunciations to be a pack of lies. You boasted on CelticMinded.com of having made the call, and you were subsequently banned from Real Radio. Why did you do this?




General Schomberg

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So people should be allowed to go about deliberately telling lies? Disagree.


I was a bit concerned in case it looked as though the first post was saying 'we must have freedom of speech! Except for people we disagree with!' hence the second post.


Should people be allowed to tell lies? I don't see how you can stop them. Should the same people be held up as reliable, honest, etc? No.

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The neutrals don't know any different because of the total imbalance in the media, one wee guy shouts out FTP (stupidly I may add) and its front page news and on all the radio news bulletins. While across the city they are running amok all over the country fighting with very bugger including themselves and giving it the IRAoke everywhere they go.


Is it any wonder that the support quickly gets a f#*k you mentality, it wouldn't matter if Rangers fans where pure as the driven snow they will still find something to hammer us with if it's not bigotry, it's flying the national flag, if it's not that it's being arrogant bastards.


If you continually hammer any person or group or even animal without one glimmer of hope they will quickly turn around and tell you to do one I'll do what I like, the alternative isn't any different.


So until the rangers fans start getting a balanced view from the media don't expect anything to change in fact expect those feelings to get more and more entrenched, and to be honest who could blame us.


I agree with what you're saying but you're missing one of my points. If you're as pure as the driven snow and you are still attacked for everything, people will start to stick up for you. Some of the neutrals will start to get the message that your are being victimised and then the credibility of your accusers will start to crack and a golden circle created.


You are right about human nature but then it takes a wiser man to see that his negative actions, while understandable, are not helping his situation.


There is nothing wrong with cleaning up your act and still fighting hard for fairness. You are likely to eventually be applauded for it - just look at Gandi and Martin Luther King. Hitting back with negative behaviour will only reinforce the propaganda against you.


As I've said before, there is nothing wrong with flying the national flag - but you'll be caught out by your own actions if you do it zealously. If you always act with propriety then the ammunition against you will dry up and people will start to see things how they are.


When people see how we are at the moment, they see a glimpse of something that does actually slightly fit the slander against us and so it looks justified. People are generally a bit one dimensional that way.

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I was a bit concerned in case it looked as though the first post was saying 'we must have freedom of speech! Except for people we disagree with!' hence the second post.


Should people be allowed to tell lies? I don't see how you can stop them. Should the same people be held up as reliable, honest, etc? No.


Lies purporting to be facts, lies liable to lead to civil unrest, and lies to promote a book at the expense of others should not be considered free speech.

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