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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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RANGERS supporters have forced the Sunâ??s Scottish editor Andy Harries into a humiliating climb down.


They threatened to organise a big boycott of the Sun after an astonishing decision by Andy Harries to employ Philmacgiollabhan.


Philmacgiollabhain, you may recall, is the Donegal based, Glasgow born, self style Rebel journalist, who branded all Rangers supporters, mutants.


I understand that there are enquiries being made by at least two members of the National Union of Journalists, to demand that Philmacghiollabhain be probed by the National Union of Journalists Ethics Council.


I wish them luck with that. For Philmacghiollabhain holds not just one, but two positions of power at the top table of the National Union of Journalists.


He is a member of the NUJâ??s Republic of Ireland Council and is also the editor of the NUJâ??s Irish magazine.


While his pal, Dubliner Donnacha DeLong, who has gone on record as agreeing with Philmacgiollabhain, is the President of the increasingly discredited looking National Union of Journalists.


Philmacgiollabhainâ??s mutants rant about Rangers supporters â?? reproduced here last week in order that it be given a wider audience â?? is most certainly offensive and verges on being racist.


This is the man, Philmacgiollabhain, who the editor of the Scottish Sun, Andy Harries, was willing to pay and give a platform to for his raging anti-Rangers views, which are seen by many as bigotry and may even verge on racist.


No wonder there are some experienced journalists inside the Sunâ??s Queen Street headquarters in Glasgow who refer to their editor as Halfwit Harries.


For Harries allowed the Sunday edition of his paper to carry a huge story in which Philmacgiollabhain went off on a flight of fancy, claiming he and his wife and family are in danger and that he has received threats following some of his anti Rangers blogs.


But it was only at the end of a thousand or so words of Philmacgiollabhainâ??s fantasies that we finally got to the nub of the story. The truth of the story.


Strathclyde Police went on the record to reveal they had investigated Philmacgiollabhainâ??s allegations, passed the results of their probe to the Procurator Fiscal and that there was no evidence on which to proceed.


Sound familiar?


Does the name Alex Thomson, the Channel Four reporter who has written the introduction for Philmacgiollabhainâ??s book, ring any bells?


Claims of threats. Investigations by Strathclyde Police. No evidence. No further action.


Funnily enough, I recall a literary agent once telling me some of the antics authors get up to when they have a book to sell.


You may believe the Philmacgiollabhain claims that he has been threatened fall into that category.


Strathclyde Police, now they know Philmacghiollabhain has a book to sell, may even think it worthwhile investigating the possibility. But I could not possibly comment.


What I am more than willing, and more than able to comment on, is the astonishing decision by the Sunâ??s Scottish editor, Andy Harries, to first allow such a story to be run in his paper in such a way and then plan to give house room in his paper to Philmacgiollabhainâ??s book.


But even Halfwit Harries could not turn a blind eye when Philmacgiollabhainâ??s rant, which compared Rangers supporters to mutants, was brought to his attention.


And he soon quivered and quaked when Rangers supporters swung into action to make it clear there were plans for a properly organised boycott of the Sun in the pipeline and that any boycott would be a long standing affair.


Thatâ??s when Halfwit Harries realised the enormity of his mistake. That is when Halfwit Harries started to understand the enormity of his lack of journalistic judgment.


Andy Harries then agreed that the Scottish Sun would not be running a paid-for-serialisation of Philmacgiollabhain's book.


And by late Sunday night the story about Philmacgiollabhain's claims about being threatened - claims Strathclyde Police could find no evidence of - had gone from the Sun website.


But despite Andy Harriesâ?? humiliating climb down, the catâ??s out of the bag


And now Rangers supporters have been given the inside track on just how quick and eager some newspapers appear to be to give credibility and a platform to anyone with an anti Rangers agenda.


Even when that person appears as deranged as many people may believe Philmacgiollabhain is.


Therefore, there may very well be many Rangers supporters who believe they should still go ahead with their boycott of the Scottish Sun because of the journalistically irresponsible intentions of its editor Andy â??Halfwitâ? Harries.


Intentions which only floundered when Andy Harries realised just what a halfwit he was being and how seriously he would damage, first, his paperâ??s already plunging credibility and then its commercial viability.


Indeed, I believe we may soon be hearing from Rangers supporters, as the full import of Andy Halfwit Harries' original decision takes its toll on the Scottish Sun.

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We knew he was a controversial figure, but it was clear from the book he had written that he had a story to tell.


But because the author — previously unbeknown to us — is tarred with a sickening sectarian brush.


So...did they know who he was, or didn't they???

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The decision by The Sun to pull the scheduled serialisation of arch Rangers-hater Phil Mac Giolla Bhainâ??s spiteful book on the Rangers crisis is not only a victory for decency but it also heralds a new era in Scottish society.


The Sun is a newspaper in Rupert Murdochâ??s stable and Murdoch is much more used to shaping popular thinking than being shaped by it.


Murdochâ??s agenda to turn Scotland into a bitter wee republic on the outside of both Britain and the wider global neighbourhood has meant that the people of Scotland have been molded into a cloned copy of his British-hating self.


This agenda necessitates the transforming of Rangers and their fan base into cultural pariahs, reviled and despised for their ridiculously old-fashioned loyalty to Queen and country.


For way too long, Rangers supporters sucked such disrespect and abuse up, preferring to retreat into their traditional manly stoicism and just let the team get on with the business of humping all opposition on the pitch.


Then the collapse of David Murrayâ??s empire and the Craig Whyte fiasco happened.


Rangers were left lying bleeding in the ditch as enemy after enemy lined up to take savage kicks at the club.


Rangers were left lying bleeding in the ditch as enemy after enemy lined up to take savage kicks at the club.


The years of anti-Rangers propaganda eventually created a culture of Rangers-hating that is endemic in Scottish society. Being a Rangers supporter became something socially undesirable and offensive, so effective was the relentless stream of propaganda directed at all things RFC.


But recently it has all changed.


The turnaround at Ibrox since Charles Green took control of the club, coupled with the indestructible spirit shown by Ally McCoist, have galvanised Rangers fans into a rampant fighting force once more.


Rangers fans are no longer taking a kicking, so to speak, they are looking to dish one out. Metaphorically speaking, of course.


The Fightback has well and truly begun.


Rangers fans are becoming more and more media savvy and wakening to the enormous power of their collective economic punch.


In a nutshell, people and organisations that dis Rangers are starting to fear the devastating consequences of a boycott by the clubâ??s increasingly-militant support.


Rangers wonâ??t take anything lying down ever again.


No newspaper likes to get egg on its face or be seen to have to back down in the face of public opinion.


But in a few short hours the wrath of Rangers fans has forced just such a climb-down upon The Sun.


Now it wonâ??t stop Rupert Murdochâ?? s plotting and scheming to turn Scotland into his personal fiefdom. But it will make him think again before doing something that incurs the outrage of the large constituency of bluenoses.


But, great victory though it is, it should not lull Rangers fans into a false sense of feeling the war is over.


Whilst it is likely that The Sun wonâ??t be the last media outlet to feel the fury of a revived Rangers support, it is very likely that there will be more and more such battles to be engaged in.


There will be a feeling that Rangers and their troublesome fans need to be put back in their box.


You can expect the fight to get very dirty from here on in.


The fight is not just about the football, just like Rangers is not just about the football.


Maybe thatâ??s what old Shankly was getting at...

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