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Do not buy The Sun - All Phil Mac Gobble Bhoy posts in here

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Phil Mac Giolla Bhain ... blogger who rocked Scottish football

I broke the story about Gers going bust ... now I live in fear of my life



So is the esteemed Mr Houston's twitter now gone completely? Was simply protected earlier...

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THE Scottish Sun has never been afraid of controversy.


Throughout the years, we have never shied away from tackling difficult subjects. We have never taken the soft option, the easy route, the quiet life.


Yesterday, we ran an interview with Phil Mac Giolla Bhain in which we described how he’d been given death threats for his role in uncovering the financial scandal that was to engulf Rangers.


We knew he was a controversial figure, but it was clear from the book he had written that he had a story to tell.


And we felt it was a story that needed to be told to you, so that you could make your own minds up. So that you had a chance to read the behind-the-scenes details about the downfall of Rangers.


So that you had a chance to see where the blame lay for the collapse of the club.


On Sunday, many Rangers fans contacted the paper.


Most were reasonable, and wanted to point out some of the other material that the author carries on his website.


Others, many of whom had clearly not read the interview, immediately engaged in the kind of disgusting abuse that sadly infects some of Scottish football’s blogs and forums.


Let’s make one thing absolutely clear. We will never be bullied into not publishing stories simply because they upset some people.


We pride ourselves on having the finest journalists in the country who are totally and unequivocally impartial.


But Phil Mac Giolla Bhain is not one of our journalists and his blog undermines the entire industry.


THAT is why we have decided not to carry the serialisation of the book.


NOT because of the social media backlash.


NOT because of the internet bullies.


But because the author — previously unbeknown to us — is tarred with a sickening sectarian brush.


We believed Phil Mac Giolla Bhain to be a proper and sound journalist. Channel 4 News chief correspondent Alex Thomson obviously agreed and wrote the foreword in the book.


He was wrong and so were we.


The Rangers story has gripped the entire nation and it is one we will continue to tell.


We will tell it truthfully, honestly and without fear or favour.


That is a promise to every football fan and to every one of our army of loyal readers.



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