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Traynor in the Record today

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Lawyers set to cash in as SPL and Rangers prepare for EBT battle.


CHARLES Green and Ally McCoist came through their latest confrontations with the authorities relatively unscathed. But theyâ??re now bracing themselves for the real battle.


Last week McCoist and Green were hauled before the SFA to answer disrepute charges and were extremely fortunate to be let off with slaps on their wrists.


However, any relief was swamped by fears that last weekâ??s fairly polite verbal exchanges might just have been the calm before the storm.


This pair fully expect that pretty soon theyâ??ll be forced to pay another visit to the gameâ??s HQ.


And next time they could be marching up the stairs with an army of Rangers fans right behind them.


The SPLâ??s investigation into the use of EBTs at Ibrox and whether players had dual contracts may be about to bring some simmering resentments back to the boil. It could be very messy.


Yet the governing body see it as a straightforward issue of seeking to uphold football justice. Well, of course they do. But Rangers suspect the entire process has become a bitter campaign to even old scores.


And although an independent committee of experts on sports law will rule on the case, Rangers canâ??t be dissuaded from thinking they are under siege, that the SPL, or some people acting on that bodyâ??s behalf, are after only one thing.


Actually, to be precise, itâ??s not one thing. Rangers are convinced itâ??s a handful of things. About five titles.


They claim theyâ??ve heard enough in meetings about this case to convince them there is a determination to have titles won by Rangers during the EBT years erased from the record books.


Rangersâ?? lawyers Biggart Baillie have written to the SPLâ??s operations director Ian Blair seeking some clarification on a number of issues but havenâ??t received any replies.


This is considered strange given the governing body have set aside a couple of days at the beginning of next week to deal with the issue.


Perhaps Rangers should have addressed their correspondence to law firm Harper Macleod because they have been apppointed to probe allegations of dual contracts.


But Rangers really should have known that. After all, Green and McCoist have been taken aback by the SPLâ??s vigour in tackling this case. Furthermore, itâ??s thought Rangers had been made aware that all enquiries relating to this case should have been addressed to the SPLâ??s lawyers.


Not SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster, Blair or anyone else.


This raises other questions. Is this a changing of the Hampden guard? Did we miss some sort of silent coup that deposed Doncaster and Blair?


Rangers are wondering if itâ??s just coincidental the make-up of the independent committee is exactly as was suggested at a meeting in June. It was mentioned then that a panel of experts should have the final say and this group ought to have at least two members from outside Scotland.


Soon afterwards the SPL announced their commission into EBT payments would be chaired by Lord Nimmo Smith and would also include Charles Flint QC and Nicholas Stewart QC.


Exactly as was suggested at that meeting in June. You might want to ask who selected this trio but you know what, so what?


This groupâ??s integrity is beyond doubt even though you might come across all sorts of wild conspiracy theories if you are of a mind to trawl the internet. Thankfully Iâ??ve better things to do and while some may not be convinced, I believe this commission will not be compromised and will find according to the evidence placed before them.


However, other people, some of whom have been whispering in the background from the day Rangers lurched into administration, have allowed their own judgment to become a little clouded.


Itâ??s even been said that one or two close to the case have taken to blustering and getting all red and sweaty on occasion when challenged.


Oh dear, could it be a tad personal with some of the loudest characters? Surely not.


But I must say it is surprising that someone like Doncaster hasnâ??t stepped in and put some of the people involved in their places. He needs to take the lead if another collision between Rangers and the SPL is to be avoided because that is what lies around the next bend.


McCoist and Green are committed to opposing any move to have history books rewritten even though they accepted they had to begin again as a new concern after Rangers, the club with history, slipped into liquidation and closed. That should mean the titles arenâ??t really any of their business.


But on the other hand, the SPL refused to hand over £2m, which should have gone to Rangers for finishing second last season, pointing out that the club no longer exists.


Yet, the SPL insist Greenâ??s Rangers pay the old companyâ??s football debts.


The SPL also now say there is no such thing as prize money. Itâ??s â??club feesâ?, stupid. But arenâ??t the amounts based on the finishing positions of each club? Yes. So, the higher up the SPL the more you get? Yes.


That means then that clubs are awarded monies for their efforts? Yes.


And is an award not the same as a prize? Eh ... well ... no, now go away. Weâ??ve a mess to make worse.


There are many contradictions in this case and the SPL have not exactly covered themselves in glory.


So youâ??d have thought theyâ??d be seeking to close this Rangers case quickly and had they acted way back in October 2010, when HMRC made it clear to them they were investigating the use of EBTs, the job might have been concluded long ago.


In fact, if they and the SFA had been remotely competent theyâ??d have asked Rangers about these payments when they first appeared on their annual accounts about 12 years ago.


But, as usual, our leaders were last to spring into action and in their determination to make it appear as if theyâ??re now in control, theyâ??ve made a real backside of things.


As it stands Green doesnâ??t even know if he or his club will be in the dock or someone from a company which no longer exists.


He has asked for clarification but hasnâ??t been given any.


Someone is going to combust with rage before this is over and Doncaster should be aware that unless there is a change in approach the division between Rangers and the SPL could widen to a chasm which even Brunel couldnâ??t span.


Jim Traynor's article in th Record today asks som serious questions. Indeed, it's about time Ian Blair, Harper McLeod and the rest were investigated. There is a network out there aiming to bring Rangers down through spite and we should be very wary of their motives



Believe it or not, this whole thing could get messier yet. Green, I believe, has stated that even if Rangers start galloping through the divisions they will not return to the SPL.


Itâ??s time for calm heads and compromise but it looks as though the only people whoâ??ll get something from the process are the lawyers.


Itâ??s anyoneâ??s guess how much Harper Macleod are making out of this saga but isnâ??t it bizarre the way a poverty-stricken game like ours always finds money for legal eagles?


Even stranger when we know UEFA will jump all over any association if one of their members dares to turn to the law of the land for help.


Yet another of Scottish footballâ??s many contradictions, Iâ??m afraid.


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It's been going on for decades, I'm not surprised in the slightest.

There is a superb biography about a footballer called Stewart Imlach who played for Scotland at the 1958 World Cup Finals. The insight into how the Scotland squad was picked, managed and then discarded is jaw dropping. Then, decades later, his correspondence with the SFA asking to be being given an actual physical 'cap' for his Scotland appearances shows that little had changed. They were self serving, intransigent liars then, clearly the SPL have picked up on that vibe and brought it to a new level.

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Fancy doing a review? It must have Rangers related material in somewhere.


It's probably the best football biography I've read, although the Hunter Davies' 'Being Gazza' book and Tony Cascarino's book run it close. Unfortunately the only mention of Rangers in it is him as a boy going to the cinema to watch the Rangers v Moscow Dynamo game at the end of WW2. That's a pretty tenuous link I think. I'll happily write one because it deserves a wider audience, unfortunately I'm not sure if it fits the sites criteria (we do have a criteria, yes?).

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Guest Bluepeter9

Considering Traynor is meant to be 'against us' and yes he slipped slightly with his old Rangers comments - he has kept the 'SFA/SPL Fit for Purpose Debate' high up the agenda with his column today and does highlight an amazing amount of hipocracy within the SPL / SFA position.

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"independent committee of experts on sports law will rule on the case"


is that the celtic lawyers?


We should tell the SPL that if they attempt to strip titles then we'll see them in a court of law. Who knows UEFA or FIFA may then decide to suspend the SFA or something like that. Now that would be a shame.

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