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Green checks out Chinese market

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The Rangers chief executive views China as a sleeping giant in terms of football and hopes to open training academies there while also recruiting Chinese players for Ally McCoist's squad.


Rangers, under previous owner Craig Whyte, made an unsuccessful attempt to exploit the Indian market last year, bringing players Jeje Lalpekhlua and Sunil Chhetri over on trial, travelling to India to meet officials from the Indian Premier League, and launching a Twitter feed in Hindi.


Green, though, is not put off by that failure, believing opportunities abound in Chinese football. "A few weeks ago I had a very rich Chinese man here," said Green. "He said, 'Charles, we are a country of 1.3 billion people but we can't find 11 footballers among them. How can that be?'"


Green also boasted of the strength of Rangers' financial position. The club shed all its debt when the oldco went into liquidation.


"Today we are the strongest club in Scotland," he added in an interview with Der Spiegel magazine. "We have the biggest fanbase, no debts, no loans, no overdraft and money in the bank.


"Rangers are among the 15 most famous clubs in the world. We have the product, the names and the brand."



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Language is fascinating. Notice how the writer from The Herald attempts to create a reaction in the reader when suggesting a personality behind this statement:


"Green also boasted of the strength of Rangers' financial position. The club shed all its debt when the oldco went into liquidation."


How daaaaaaaaaaaaaare he boast! Where is his morality??? The 'boasting' is in the imagination of the writer, which we perhaps ought not to be surprised at, given he works at a paper which employs the like of Spiers. Perhaps Charles was smoking a huge cigar at the time, while taunting penniless Reeperbahn urchins with shiny florins. A direct link between shoddy business practice, and new financial strength, with the traditional Rangers superiority complex thrown in for good measure.


Tells you a lot more about the person who wrote it rather than Charles Green.


As to the point, I think we need to get ourselves up and running in Scotland before we think about exploiting the market in China. But then I am a staid Jock and not a businessman.

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Language is fascinating. Notice how the writer from The Herald attempts to create a reaction in the reader when suggesting a personality behind this statement:


"Green also boasted of the strength of Rangers' financial position. The club shed all its debt when the oldco went into liquidation."


How daaaaaaaaaaaaaare he boast! Where is his morality??? The 'boasting' is in the imagination of the writer, which we perhaps ought not to be surprised at, given he works at a paper which employs the like of Spiers. Perhaps Charles was smoking a huge cigar at the time, while taunting penniless Reeperbahn urchins with shiny florins. A direct link between shoddy business practice, and new financial strength, with the traditional Rangers superiority complex thrown in for good measure.


Tells you a lot more about the person who wrote it rather than Charles Green.


As to the point, I think we need to get ourselves up and running in Scotland before we think about exploiting the market in China. But then I am a staid Jock and not a businessman.


It's like the Daily Fail, they write things like 'X flaunted her baby bump'. Um no, it's kinda attached and hard to miss, no flaunting going on there. They use more hyperbole than Leggo!

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Good news. We should always be looking to expand our brand particularly in Asia, North America and Australasia. The Rangers story, particularly us climbing the divisions has struck a cord with many people and who knows we may get a few extra foreign Bears and Bearettes backing the team.

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