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Gordon waddell-Charles Green

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Charles Green knows how to push fans buttons.. and it's making him money


CHARLES GREEN either has immunity to the world outside his four walls to the point of being off the spectrum ... or heâ??s a marketing genius.




9797726.jpgCharles Green

THERE is clearly money to be made in defiance. Finance to be had from other peopleâ??s froth.

How else do you explain Charles Greenâ??s apparently limitless capacity to come up with statements and schemes designed specifically to have everyone outside of Ibrox pebble-dashing their kitchen tables with semi-consumed cornflakes?

Say what you like about the man. But he either has immunity to the world outside his four walls to the point of being off the spectrum ... or heâ??s a marketing genius.

Last week? Two absolute belters, straight from the â??Heâ??s at it, right? Please tell me heâ??s at itâ?? school of noise-ups.

First he gives an interview with German magazine Der Spiegel in which he brazenly states: â??Today we are the strongest club in Scotland. We have the biggest fanbase, no debts, no loans, no overdraft and money in the bank.â?

Start setting watch now... tick tick tick.

Next he launches a Crossbar Challenge for their fans, bragging theyâ??ll give away a MILLION pounds to anyone who does it at their last home game of the season against Berwick.

Tick tick tick ... KABOOM!

You can just see him sitting there, staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the exact moment he simultaneously makes the head of every right-thinking football fan in the country explode.

The collective seethe at the immorality, the complete and utter lack of contrition, will have him giggling like Muttley.

Because the more he has everyone else obsessing about them and their arrogance, the more he knows his own support will circle the wagons.

And the more they do that, the more money he makes.

Simple, yet brilliant.

Look at the TV viewing figures if youâ??re not convinced.

Rangersâ?? two domestic matches shown live so far â?? two supposedly run-of-the-mill Division Three draws away at Peterhead and Berwick â?? have the two biggest audiences of any games shown from Scotland this season.

Apparently 166,000 and 96,000 respectively tuned in â?? the latter on ESPN with a third of the subscribers of Sky â?? compared to a high of 91,000 for Celtic v Aberdeen on day one and 70,000 and 67,000 respectively for their trips to the Highlands.

The Edinburgh derby barely mustered a third of those figures.

Say what you like, but Rangers are big box office.

Doesnâ??t matter if youâ??re hoping to see them fall flat on their face or not â?? and most people are, clearly, because itâ??s not for the dazzling standard or the technical prowess on show. Youâ??re still tuning in and that's all Green cares about.

Because the more you rage, the more he engages.

Theyâ??re loving the fact Celtic websites are spending more time fixating on a team most of them claim to be dead and history-less than they do over their own sideâ??s Champions League chances.

Loving the fact that fans of other clubs are getting in a lather over the preposterous â??You spend 50 quid a week, weâ??ll spend seven grand a weekâ?? culture thatâ??s under-pinning their signing policy.

Rangers are like the skin on a drum. The harder you try to hit them, the louder they get.

Fans are turning up in giant numbers â?? not because they love the Third Division but to prove that they are, in fact, The Peepil. Their two league home gates have been 49,000 and 46,000 respectively.

Throw in their two cup games at home and their average is STILL just a few dozen under 40,000.

Theyâ??ll be desperate to keep their league average attendance above Celticâ??s for yet more infantile one-upmanship.

And every fleck of phlegm generated against them sees a few more on the gate and a few more quid in the pot for Green.

It will go in to overdrive again this week.

Thatâ??s when the independent commission looking at the EBT debacle convenes to talk about HOW the hell theyâ??re going to deal with the issues, not the actual issues themselves.

The worst thing that can happen for the owner will be when he has nothing left to rail against.

When they have no-one to defy â?? to stick two fingers up at.

When they become plain old Rangers, playing home and away through the winter, same as every other club.

So brace yourself for more of the Green machine.

The more you nibble, the more he dribbles.

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