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VB exclusive - Harper MacLeod / SPL collusion

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VB exclusive - Harper MacLeod / SPL collusionpdf_button.pngprintButton.pngemailButton.png Written by Admin Thursday, 20 September 2012 20:23

On the 25th June lawyer Rod McKenzie, on behalf of Harper McLeod, issued the first draft of the 5 party agreement after a number of round the table discussions from the previous week involving all parties involved in Rangers attempts at gaining a licence to play football from the SFA.

Included in the first draft were SFA EBT sanctions, SPL EBT sanctions and SFL EBT sanctions.

The SFL ones were removal of the League Cup victories for seasons 01/02, 02/03, 07/08 and 08/09.

At no time in the previous discussions was actual removal of trophies ever openly discussed and debated. These were inserted into the agreement with absolutely no prior consultation with the SFL.

As a result, the SFL immediately objected and on the same day, threatened to withdraw from the entire process as a result. The SFL was not willing to be party to a process that set out to convict and sentence a Club who had not even been charged, had the case heard, never mind being found guilty. This is way before even any Commission was ever appointed to look into it.

As a result of this, the second draft had the SFL sanctions removed and they were never brought up again in any future revision or discussion.

The questions that have to be asked are;

Who formally instructed HM (acting for SPL) to insert the sanctions in the first draft?

If it was the SPL then there should be SPL Board minutes available to show their agreement to inserting the sanction clauses. Proof of this would provide the public with clarity about the process. When are they going to issue them to the public for perusal?

If there are no SPL Board minutes available to back up the instruction then who actually instructed HM?

If it was the SFA then that would be a very strange set of circumstances as HM were not acting for the SFA, that was Levy Mcrae. Levy Mcrae were actively involved in the discussions and were directly representing the SFA position in the process and actually provided a few amendment requests to HM on the SFA behalf.

If it was neither of the above then HM have some serious questions to answer. Who did formally instruct them to include all the sanctions?

Maybe they could put forward the defence that they were merely putting together all the previous discussions and debate into a document to move things along however, it is unclear if that is allowed under Law Society rules. And, more importantly, as there was never any previous discussion about removing SFL trophies, that could not be the case.

All firms of Solicitors are supposed to have clear written instructions to carry out work on behalf of any 'client' and also carry out necessary anti money laundering checks on these clients prior to accepting any appointment. No solicitor would carry out substantial works unless they had clear direct authorisation and instruction so that they could allocate and charge the fees for the work. Where were the hours worked charged on their fee ledger?

It is now up to HM to declare publicly, who formally instructed them to include the sanctions. It would surely be in the best interests of HM to provide clarity to the football world.


We await a response.

Last Updated on Thursday, 20 September 2012 20:31



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Pretty dynamite question that requires an answer.


If it is the SPL then who at the SPL and to what purpose?


More evidence coming out about the underhand tactics used against us.


Well done the fans and fan organisations.


Perhaps someone in the MSM will pick this up or start to do their job.

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It is now up to HM to declare publicly, who formally instructed them to include the sanctions. It would surely be in the best interests of HM to provide clarity to the football world.


We await a response.


Out will come ye olde "Client confidentiality" excuse.


The SFA will have a bit of explaining to do too.

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Perhaps someone in the MSM will pick this up or start to do their job.


The Scottish press and media are normally very quick to pick up on controversial issues unless there's an enforced blackout due to legal reasons or government intervention. In our case, their handling of the whole situation stinks to high heaven of a stitch-up and subsequent cover-up!

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if theres any truth in the statement then rangers will have to go to a court of law


let's go to lawcourts. Let's hope UEFA suspend Scottish clubs from europe & national team too. Revenge will then be truly sweet.

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Very interesting, to say the least.


Seems the SFL were the only ones who were "doing the right thing" and showing any "integrity". Maybe the SFA werent too bad in this instance but we can never be sure.


The SFA are up to their corrupt necks in this with the SPL, let's be clear on that. The corruption goes right to the top in those two organisations.

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