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Why can we now officially call Celtic a pish team? Because! They keep getting wee wee crowds.


Why, are all the seats Green at Parkhead? Because! They are covered in moss.


Celtic are going to introduce a standing area at Parkhead.

Neil Lennon was reported to have said, he hoped it wonâ??t be in the oppositionâ??s penalty area.


All over the European Union, people are complaining about paying massive amounts of money to finance lazy Greeks

I blame Celtic for starting the precedent.


Ally McCoist was over in Australia to audition for a new TV role. Unfortunately he wasnâ??t good enough for Home and Away.


Read a true story in the Bild (German newspaper) a while back about an Irish woman who stole 16 shoes from a rack outside a shoe shop. Funny thing was the shoes were all left-footed.


I guess Irish and left-footed says it all



The last wee while, the wife and i have been into Rangers sex.


It only happens every other Saturday.


The wife croons â??thereâ??s a wee spot in your lap.â?


Then she goes doon the wee Copeland Road and I sing â??Swallow Swallowâ?


We then have 45 minutes of the Bouncy. (Okay! Okay! 45 seconds)


And hit a crescendo with the Dam-buster.


The wife then cries out â??Oh God! God save my spleenâ?


And finishes of course with â??Youâ??re simply the bestâ?


There is also a Celtic version. Celtic Sex


That is a Rectum mass in A minor.







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