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The Cancer in our Society

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October 11, 2012 · by billmcmurdo


Apparently the anti-Rangers propaganda latest is a motion submitted â?? by or on behalf of Phil Multi-Names it is believed â?? to the NUJ Conference in Newcastle noting â??concernâ? over threats made to journalists.


Although not specifically mentioned, the inference is that journalists have been threatened by Rangers supporters.


Multi-Namesâ?? friend, the discredited Alex Thomson, has also been making wee comments about a Rangers supporting â??underclassâ? threatening journos.


The motion at the NUJ cited Rangers blogs and forums as being guilty of inciting violence toward members of what David Leggat calls the â??old inky trade.â?


Although I know of no credible Rangers blogger who would do such a preposterous thing, let me make my own contribution to the peace of the community by saying to all my readers:


Please do not batter any journalists for any reason.


Remember that journalists are people too. Well, they once were.


Actually, as just a blogger and not a card-carrying journalist, I feel like a bit of an underclass myself.


Now, if I was in the NUJ I might just ask why the union didnâ??t support Phil Many Names when The Sun tore his journalistic integrity to shreds, along with Alex â??I want to be the storyâ? Thomson.


I used to do a lot of football question and answers in pubs and clubs with journos and things used to get a bit heated. But no matter how intense things got, there was never any danger of violence being shown towards these guys.


It all sounds like another pathetic attempt by mischief-making Mad Phil and his prancing preening poltroon (to use a Leggoism) friend to diss the Scottish press once more.


Mad Phil and Tommo love to tell everyone how crap the journos in Scotland are at their job and how they have put right the ineptitude and incompetence of our buffoon press.


Iâ??m sure the journalists much maligned by the Gruesome Twosome will be delighted to hear how concerned the odd couple are for their physical welfare.


One of those journalists, Bill Leckie, has made a valid point in todayâ??s Sun.


He rightly compares the tsunamai of complaints about â??Sirâ? Jimmy Savile to the hacking scandal that led to the closure of the News Of The World.


Will the Savile cover-up, which even Esther Rantzen CBE astonishingly admitted her own compliance in, lead to the same outcome for the BBC as it did for the Sunday newspaper?


Maybe not for Savileâ??s crimes alone but the chilling warning from Max Clifford that his phones are buzzing and that there are many worried celebrities terrified of ongoing investigations that may widen the net could sound the death knell for a thoroughly corrupt organisation.


After all, child abuse and its cover-up surely trumps the invasion of privacy which so outraged the British public in the phone hacking scandal.


As Bill Leckie says:-


â??Sexual abuse is a cancer in our society, an insidious disease where the victims are somehow made to feel like theyâ??re the guilty ones.


It ruins the lives of those whose innocence is stolen, while the perverts who rob them prosper.


Its effects seep through families like a virus for which there is no antedote.�


Itâ??s good to see the media finally reporting on important matters, rather than throwing scraps of propaganda at the salivating masses of Rangers-haters.


Of course, it would help if The Sun could use a spell-check service to get words like â??antedoteâ? right; the correct spelling is antidote.


Itâ??s all about perspective.


The horrific crimes that are committed against children should be our national obsession, not whether or not a footballer was paid through a tax avoidance scheme.


If you want a country where your kids can play out in the streets safely, you will obsess about child abuse until they can.


Unless, of course, you are so warped that you consider the fiscal affairs of a football team to be more important.


If you live in Glasgow, you would do well to worry about the safety of your children.


I recently posted on Twitter information I was given that there are men driving around in Glasgow trying to entice children into their cars. Apparently the police caught them in the act and gave chase but the men got away.


I have subsequently had this confirmed to me that there is a gang operating in the Glasgow area.


If you have kids â?? and even if you donâ??t â?? that is way more important, surely, than the financial situation of Rangers FC?


Maybe Phil Many Names could write a book on the endemic child abuse that blights Scottish society rather than Rangersâ?? use of EBTs.


Or Celtic supporters who love to blog on the Rangers Tax Case could divert their investigative focus to the more important matters in society â?? corruption in high places, child abuse cover-ups at famous institutions and the real roots of bigotry and racism in Scotland.


I donâ??t see that happening.


Not while these folk are having so much fun obsessing about The Rangers.



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Mate, a sporting organisation whose owners received and acted on questionable tax advice is far more deserving of punishment than an organisation whose employees raped children.


I think we all see that.


And it now seems the BBC did both!

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