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R.T.I.D. NI Statement on Famine memorial

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On behalf of Myself and the Committee of Rangers 'Til I Die N.I, We would like to express our full support to Glasgow City Council's decision to form a working group to work on proposals to erect a Famine Memorial in Glasgow City Centre.

This is in recognition of the Contribution Glasgow made to helping the victims of The Famine.


As everyone is fully aware, there is a strong connection between Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland which dates back Centuries.

Obviously one of the Major factors of this was due to Famines in both Countries with the main one being The Great Famine of 1845 and the mass Emigration of people to England, Scotland, America and Canada etc, and even earlier with Tens Of Thousands of Scots Emigrating to Ulster in the 1690s due to Famine.


Although a natural disaster, The Famine did lead to a lot of good and indeed shaped the fabric of Society in not only Scotland but also America and Canada etc with even 10 Presidents of America being of Ulster Descent due to Emigration.


This Memorial has particular relevance to our group in Ulster, and will be a great chance for Rangers Fans from Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland to remember their ancestors who died in The Famine and who Emigrated from our shores and made such a difference to Scotland.


In closing, Rangers 'Til I Die N.I have approached local Politicians in Ulster who fully support our wish to be offered a place on the working group for The Famine Memorial and have also set aside Funds to make a Donation.


T.H Mathers


Chairman R.T.I.D.N.

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Very dignified statement, excellent content.


As an offer meant wholly in the spirit of friendship and support, I would be delighted to proof-read any subsequent RTIDNI statements to ensure grammatical accuracy.


Not that I'm the best grammatically, it was communicated to me over the phone so picking up the flaws wasn't possible. Too late now to fix it as it's all over the 'net.


Future statements will be fine though. Thanks for the offer.

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Not that I'm the best grammatically, it was communicated to me over the phone so picking up the flaws wasn't possible. Too late now to fix it as it's all over the 'net.


Future statements will be fine though. Thanks for the offer.


That's fine. No criticism intended, nor implied.


The offer stands. If required, I can help make any statements appear professionally written. If not required, no offence taken.


Best of luck.

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If Glasow has indeed made a special contribution to mitigating the effects of the Famine, then I see nothing wrong with it. Rangers fans are being pro-active here, thus taking ownership away from the MOPE Tendency. But I wonder if other cities (Manchester, Liverpool, London) could not also make similar claims? By way of comparison, a proportionally greater number of Glaswegians fought in the Spanish Civil War than those from similar cities, thus the statue on the banks of the Clyde to La Pasionara.

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I also welcome this.

A proper understanding on the 'Irish Famine' would do many in this country some good. There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding it and indeed the Highland Potato Famine that preceded it is barely known here. Like the Highland Clearances, or the countless other 'famines' that Europe experienced in the 18th and 19th century it was the poorest and most vulnerable who suffered. That many of these people inadvertently then went on to turn Glasgow into one of the world's powerhouses should be marked.

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