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Exactly what it looks like a massive fail.


Freedom of speech is exactly that, you can say what you want when you want. I might be driven into a rage listening to the guy/girl but he has a right to speak and be heard, that's freedom of speech.


All this PC crap in the media and society in general is slowly eradicating freedom of speech, lets hope the world wakes up before we all stand around frightened to say a word about anything.


With freedom of speech comes responsibility. To suggest you have ever been able to say what you want when you want is total nonsense.

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Exactly what it looks like a massive fail.


Freedom of speech is exactly that, you can say what you want when you want. I might be driven into a rage listening to the guy/girl but he has a right to speak and be heard, that's freedom of speech.


All this PC crap in the media and society in general is slowly eradicating freedom of speech, lets hope the world wakes up before we all stand around frightened to say a word about anything.


You must live in a different stratosphere from the rest of the world, Allan, if you think that you can say what you want, when you want, wherever you want, because you can't. You can't in Scotland, UK, Europe or the West in general.


Going by your broadbrush, you could walk into a Synagogue and shout Nazi slogans because, in your world, you can say what you want, when you want? You could walk up to a black fella and call him a *insert generic black insult* and that's fine in planet Allan?


No, Allan, in the real world, we have standards and how we expect people to behave. The British way is to be courteous, to have manners and to treat people with due respect not to "say what we want, when we want".


You can say what you want, within reason, at an appropriate time and place. Which was my original point. :)

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We're drifiting away from the main topic here (which is similar to the epic Orange Shirt thread). The singing at the weekend didn't come anywhere near to crossing the limits of free speeach.


There are two basic opinions being expressed. Some think that politics should be kept out of football, some think it's okay to use football as a platform to voice their political beliefs. Which sounds like a better idea? It seems obvious to me.

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You only want Rangers songs, then shout for Penny Arcade or Simply the Best what the fuck has that got to do with Rangers.


I'm not sure if this part was directed at me or not, but I'll reply with the only reason I mentioned these two songs.


These are songs that are/were popular in culture, we adopted them at Ibrox and they are allowed to be belted out through the tannoy system. Anyone who has a radio knows the words to these songs making it easier for everyone to sing along which then creates a loud and impressive atmosphere.


Some of the songs that are sung at Ibrox (not just BF1) are songs that wouldn't be allowed to be played over the tannoy system or aren't played on the radio meaning fans like myself who don't frequent forums or pubs that may teach me the lyrics to sing along would know the words.


For the record, I believe in free speech and don't think anyone should be chastised for saying or singing words. It would be better for the club if the fans were to stick to songs that don't get us into trouble with the current hardon the media have for reporting everything negative about Rangers.. not to mention the scumbags who sit and watch Rangers games live whilst their team are playing elsewhere just so that they can jot down a minute-by-minute account of songs sung at Ibrox in order to report our club. Having said that, the boys in BF1 do seem to stick to songs that we are dictated are allowed most of the time. I just think it would be better if they stuck to Rangers songs, ones that everyone knows and then maybe the whole of Ibrox will rock again :)

Edited by Ergatrude
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This thread is quite a jaw dropper. After all the tribulations of the past year we still have an apparently large section of our support who would rather active, lifelong Rangers supporters walked away from the club than they had to modify their songbook for 90 minutes once a week. Not change their political views, not change how they vote or what they believe in, just what they chant at a football match. That's too much to expect apparently.


It's been mentioned often since we went into administration about our apparent lack of influential 'friends', people who could have done or said something to help us. Bluemazza made a great post a page or two back about Alex Thomson and his current aim of exposing a 'Rangers criminal underclass' whatever the fuck that is. Well he's got an hour of primetime five nights a week and resources to put into this quest. Yet here we are, 31 pages of slagging, accusing, counter accusing and belittling each other, all because a minority of our support insist on chanting obscene and offensive slogans at home to Queens Park. Yeah, what an atmosphere they've helped to create.


It seems the 'no one likes us we don't care' mentality remains as strong as ever in some. But now it isn't just restricted to opposition fans it seems our own are fair game too. Like it or not, and I don't as it happens, 45% of the vote at the last election went to the SNP, it stands to reason that a lot of them were Rangers supporters. Should they all 'fuck off'?

Supporting Rangers shouldn't be predicated on being a Unionist, on being Protestant, on being a capitalist or a Maoist or a Jedi fuckin Knight.


I asked a question on post #200 about 10 pages ago on this thread which as yet those defending the Union Bears chants haven't answered, so I'll try again. Where's the line guys, politically what shouldn't we allow to be chanted, what won't we accept and who decides that? Does anything go, seriously?


The determination of some in our support to alienate as many people as possible never ceases to amaze me, to the point where you begin to actually question their motives.

Edited by amms
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I didn't want to post on this thread again, but I have to tell you that I didn't say it was purely because of this thread. It looks like quite a few people were quick to jump to the conclusion that this person said he was leaving the forum and not a Gers fan any more simply because of this thread, but that would be rediculous.


To me it seems completely OTT and melodramatic, but the simple fact of the matter is that this person said they're not going back to Ibrox again because of what they experienced on Saturday. The person said "It's not a broad church as some say. You either buy into the baggage or you clear off".


'Not going back to Ibrox', is a bit different from 'not being a Rangers fan anymore'.


I've said a few times on here my dislike for 'Rule Brittannia', there are a couple of others I detest 'Super Rangers' being one.


But to think that would stop me either going to Ibrox or supporting Rangers, well no chance.


That was what I meant when I said he probably wasn't much of one in the first place.


As it has disturbed someone who thinks my posts are rubbish, I will withdraw the post, and now he can use the ignore button.


Don't bother with the ignore button, I'll just stop posting.

Edited by chilledbear
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You must live in a different stratosphere from the rest of the world, Allan, if you think that you can say what you want, when you want, wherever you want, because you can't. You can't in Scotland, UK, Europe or the West in general.


Going by your broadbrush, you could walk into a Synagogue and shout Nazi slogans because, in your world, you can say what you want, when you want? You could walk up to a black fella and call him a *insert generic black insult* and that's fine in planet Allan?


No, Allan, in the real world, we have standards and how we expect people to behave. The British way is to be courteous, to have manners and to treat people with due respect not to "say what we want, when we want".


You can say what you want, within reason, at an appropriate time and place. Which was my original point. :)



If BF1 want to have a pop at a government who wants to criminalise them for being football fans what better place to show that disapproval than at said football match. In context and at the appropriate place.


And walking up to someone on the street and calling him a black so so isn't freedom of speech. Standing on a street corner arguing why you think Britain should be white/immigrant free with black/immigrant people walking by is though, standing on a corner ripping an organised religious faith to bits for its hypocrisy with said church across the street is though,and as long as he/she doesn't us racist language they have that right. It might make your blood boil it does mine but they have that right.


Once a government starts telling you what you can or can't have a say on you are on a slippery slope.

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This thread is quite a jaw dropper. After all the tribulations of the past year we still have an apparently large section of our support who would rather active, lifelong Rangers supporters walked away from the club than they had to modify their songbook for 90 minutes once a week. Not change their political views, not change how they vote or what they believe in, just what they chant at a football match. That's too much to expect apparently.


It's been mentioned often since we went into administration about our apparent lack of influential 'friends', people who could have done or said something to help us. Bluemazza made a great post a page or two back about Alex Thomson and his current aim of exposing a 'Rangers criminal underclass' whatever the fuck that is. Well he's got an hour of primetime five nights a week and resources to put into this quest. Yet here we are, 31 pages of slagging, accusing, counter accusing and belittling each other, all because a minority of our support insist on chanting obscene and offensive slogans at home to Queens Park. Yeah, what an atmosphere they've helped to create.


It seems the 'no one likes us we don't care' mentality remains as strong as ever in some. But now it isn't just restricted to opposition fans it seems our own are fair game too. Like it or not, and I don't as it happens, 45% of the vote at the last election went to the SNP, it stands to reason that a lot of them were Rangers supporters. Should they all 'fuck off'?

Supporting Rangers shouldn't be predicated on being a Unionist, on being Protestant, on being a capitalist or a Maoist or a Jedi fuckin Knight.


I asked a question on post #200 about 10 pages ago on this thread which as yet those defending the Union Bears chants haven't answered, so I'll try again. Where's the line guys, politically what shouldn't we allow to be chanted, what won't we accept and who decides that? Does anything go, seriously?


The determination of some in our support to alienate as many people as possible never ceases to amaze me, to the point where you begin to actually question their motives.


Nearly 50,000 people showing up to a third division match suggests no-one is getting alienated. One guy on an internet forum is hardly proof of what you're saying.

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If BF1 want to have a pop at a government who wants to criminalise them for being football fans what better place to show that disapproval than at said football match. In context and at the appropriate place.


A valid point I hadn't thought of.

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