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The Rangers Shareholder List

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The Rangers Shareholder List


The following is a list of the present shareholders in Rangers Football Club Ltd.


It lists the holders of 19.8 million of the 22 million shares issued so far.


The full list is to be disclosed in the Prospectus to be issued soon.



Blue Pitch Holdings â?? 4 million


Margarita Funds Holding Trust â?? 2.6 million


Imran Ahmad, Rangers â?? 2.2 million


Richard Hughes, Zeus Capital â?? 2.2 million


Gorbon Ltd â?? 1.55 million


Norne Anstalt â?? 1.2 million


Ally McCoist, Rangers â?? 1 million


Glenmuir â?? 1 million


Craig Mather â?? 900k


Andy Hosie â?? 900k


Ian Hart â?? 490k


Chris Morgan, Asia Credit Corporation â?? 400k


Alan Mackenzie â?? 250k


Jean Haddad â?? 250k


Malcolm Murray, Rangers - 200k


Colin Howell, Unicorn Asset Mgt â?? 200k


John McClure, Unicorn Asset Mgt â?? 200k


John Goold â?? 100k


Elias Kaisar â?? 100k


Stephen Adams, Kames Capital â?? 50k


Brian Stockbridge, Rangers â?? sub 50k


Ian Cormack â?? 25k


John Graham â?? 25k


Charles Green, Rangers â?? nil.


Mr Green is due a 10% bonus for a successful float, as was disclosed in the May presentation seeking investors. This could come in the form of a 10% stake in the company, approximating to 5 million shares.

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you see were told mather put in a million for 900k shares if this is right.


meaning a price of about a quid a share and a total value of 20 million. this is due to be diluted by the share issue. if we end up with 40 million shares out there at a quid each how can anyone expect to see a profit.


will be a long long time before were worth more than 40 bar.

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Is that correct though? From what I'm led to believe founder investors are in being given shares at .50p, which would mean £11m has so far being invested. But there was around £13m invested back in July.


Happy to be corrected.:)

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