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THE lessons Rangers supporters learned from their headlong rush to embrace disgraced shyster Craig Whyte is one of the reasons why Charles Green had to prove himself to them before he was accepted.



That was only right and proper and exactly as it should be. Only mugs would have accepted the new regime at face value.



It was something Alistair McCoist, the Rangers supporter closer to the new regime than any other and no mug, took time to ponder before giving his clear and determined public backing to the Charles Green-Imran Ahmad regime



It would appear, following the McCoist endorsement, there is now a growing feeling the new regime can be trusted with the stewardship of the club. To such an extent that Walter Smith is now considering an invitation to rejoin Rangers, this time at board level. While others with impeccable business and Rangers supporting credentials are also on the brink of entering the Blue Room.



It has been a gradual process, but there is no doubt Charles Green and his close associate Imran Ahmad, are making progress.



The warm reception Charles Green got after he addressed the fat cats for 45 minutes in the Waddell Suite on Saturday is testament to just how much progess he has made.


Two months ago the businessmen who inhabit the Waddell Suite would have howled him down. Now they are willing to listen to him.



And one thing which has helped this, is the way that since they arrived inside Ibrox, Charles Green and Imran Ahmad have become more and more suspicious about the actions of those seriously under-investigation administrators, Duff and Phelps.



I must claim some credit for putting Duff and Phelps under the spotlight before anyone else.



The proof of my claim dates back to March 1st when I published a piece here, in which I first called into question the role David Grier, a senior partner in Duff and Phelps, played in the Craig Whyte negotiations to raise the cash, via a secret loan from Ticketus, to meet the purchase price of Rangers from David Murray, putting Rangers in hock to Ticketus.



I questioned David Grierâ??s role and questioned both the morality and, indeed, the legality of such a deal. That was on March 1st.



It all seemed a little too shady for my liking and it was the starting point of my long campaign against the way Duff and Phelps went about the administration of Rangers, an administration which Craig Whyte moved heaven and earth to ensure was placed in their hands.



And an administration which is now the subject of not one, not even just two, but three investigations, including one by the country's foremost Judicial expert in this field, Lord Hodge.



Yet, amazingly, within an hour of that March 1stâ??s LeggoLand being published, I was contacted by a Rangers fan, lambasting me for what I wrote and warning me that I was stepping onto dodgy ground by inferring Duff and Phelps were â??bent.â?



The gist of the argument being put forward by some supporters, who remained loyal to Craig Whyte even then, supporters who remained in denial about Craig Whyteâ??s guilt, was that if Craig Whyte had not pushed for the appointment of Duff and Phelps, then the administrators HMRC preferred would have been put in charge and they may have forced Rangers into liquidation.



So, how did that turn out?



The same supporters also made it clear that they had still to make their decision about Craig Whyteâ??s culpability.



This, remember, was more than a fortnight after the full extent of Craig Whyteâ??s dodgy dealings with HMRC â?? the actual dealings which caused Rangers to suffer the initial indignity of administration and which eventually led to the even worse indignity of liquidation and the Third Division - had been placed in the public domain.



And the point of all of this?



Merely to remind people that my record of calling things right during the past nine months or so has been pretty good. Not 100 per cent. But then again, LeggoLand is not handed down on tablets of stone. Neither is it a sermon from the mount.



However, further proof of me being on the money and on the trail of the Rangers cash came two days before Rangers went into administration, I questioned why David Murray was calling for further clarification as to where Craig Whyte got the money to buy Rangers, despite Murray having been involved in six months of negotiations with Whyte, which included David Murray doing due diligence on the conman.



And at 9am on February 14th, a full four hours before Rangers went into administration, I started attempting to unravel the manner in which Craig Whyte had got his filthy paws on the money he used to buy Rangers and start creating havoc inside Ibrox.



Then, within twenty four hours of the Craig Whyte house of cards tumbling and Rangers being put into administration, I had done some simple arithmetic and calculated that there was around £50M unaccounted for from the Rangers income during the period when Craig Whyte had been in control at Ibrox.



All of which serves as a reminder to the very small and underwhelming minority of regular readers who carp ceaselessly about whatever subject I have written, even to the extent of attacking me for pointing out that Jock Stein, when Scotland manager, once had as bad a run in competitive matches as Craig Levein has just suffered.



Where I will hold up my hand and admit to being wrong was, firstly over Craig Whyte, a man who we all knew little or nothing about, but who appeared to be making all the right noises when he first took over.



He appeared to be bullish in his defence of Rangers, particularly in respect to attacks made by Rangers arch enemies, BBC Scotland. We know now â?? as I admit I should have spotted at that time â?? that it was not Rangers Craig Whyte was defending, it was himself.



Against that, I believe I was one of the first to recognise him for what is most certainly is, a liar, a cheat, a conman, a trickster and a shyster.



It was therefore reasonable for me to be sceptical of Charles Green when he arrived on the scene as another unknown quantity and in that, I was in the company of the overwhelming majority of Rangers supporters, including the Rangers fan with the inside track on the new regime, Alistair McCoist.



But, as events unfolded I quckly turned against Craig Whyte â?? and I turned quicker than some â?? so events have also seen my attitude towards Charles Green and Imran Ahmad change â?? admittedly, probably more slowly than most.



The turning point for me came when that bluenose with the up close and personal view of the new regime, Alistair McCoist, endorsed Charles Green and Imran Ahmad and then urged Walter Smith to accept their invitation to become a director.



Only an idiot would have remained loyal to Craig Whyte long after the full extent of his chicanery was revealed. And only a fool would continue to question Charles Green and Imran Ahmadâ??s probity and commitment to Rangers, as the full extent and promised length of time of that commitment becomes known.



I am neither an idiot, nor a fool.



And for those who still question my track record, here is prediction to file away.



Before this whole sorry sordid affair is over, someone will hear the clunk of the Bar-L gates slam behind them. It may be Craig Whyte. It could be David Grier. Or perhaps, Gary Withey. Remember him?



Or it could be all three.

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Trumpet-blowing from Leggo today.


The moral of the story: if you make bold claims while the evidence is still patchy, sometimes you're right and end up looking clever, sometimes you're wrong and end up looking like a chump.

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It's getting harder and harder to read Leggat's ramblings without laughing out loud.


Against that, I believe I was one of the first to recognise him for what is most certainly is, a liar, a cheat, a conman, a trickster and a shyster.


Total unadulterated bullshit, in fact Leggat was Whyte's cheerleader in chief.

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