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The Reckoning Starts Here-The daily Ranger

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The Wheels have come off.


The wheels have well and truly come off. The wreckage of the bandwagon lies strewn, twisted and mangled, a testament to an endeavour gone disastrously wrong. Barely nothing recognisable is left of this once proud vehicle ridden so gleefully by its passengers.

You see, this bandwagon wasn’t powered by a traditional combustion engine running on petrol or diesel. No this was an experimental “integrity” engine fueled on a potent yet toxic mixture of righteousness, bigotry, malice and hatred of Rangers Football Club. This powerful concoction drove the wagon to speeds unreachable by the humble combustion engine propelling it exponentially faster with each passing day. When it finally collided with an obsticle the laws of physics resolved the impossibility of two sets of matter existing in the same space and time the only way it could, the complete and total destruction of the weaker party…the bandwagon.

If you look closely at the wreckage you can see the contorted bodies of the passengers, battered, bruised and in a total state of shock after such a violent encounter. Fortunately there was only one fatality, the death of a dream. The dream that Rangers Football Club had died and that the record books would be re-written to remove its titles won fairly on the field of play. The passengers should count themselves lucky though as had the bandwagon they so joyfully leapt onto been travelling any faster they would surely have been vaporised.

Let’s look then at some of these notable passengers of the bandwagon who for the past year have been decrying Rangers Football Club as scoundrels and cheats with accusations of financial skullduggery, financial doping and cheating the tax man out of millions of pounds. Now the naming and shaming can truly begin as we expose those individuals, bereft of any proof of wrong doing (not to mention morals, integrity and basic decency), dragged the name of Rangers Football Club through every cesspit they could find.

Now begins the reckoning we Rangers fans have been waiting long and patiently for.

Rangers Tax Case. A.k.a (Tony Mckelvie)


This individual has dedicated a sizable chunk of his life to the pursuit of truth (well what passes for it in his universe) about the misdeeds of Rangers Football Club. In his blog, the internet equivalent of a backstreet chop shop he took any merchandise regarding Rangers Football Club that had fallen off the back of a lorry, scratched the serial numbers off, sliced them up and recombined them to flood the market with insidious misinformation and outright lies.

At yesterdays verdict Tony went into complete meltdown as we can see from his twitter feed.


One cannot help but be reminded of many a Scooby Doo villain as they protest “And I’d have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you pesky kids”.

Despite Tony’s protestations that this is far from over it hasn’t stopped him from deleting his entire back catalouge of RTC blogs.

Tony, in all seriousness now. Seek help.

Graham Spiers


The succulent lamb muncher himself. So safe did Graham Spiers feel on the bandwagon that he released a number of statements branding Rangers Football Club cheats.

What he overlooked however, probably distracted by the dizzying speed of the bandwagon, was that there was no seat belts.

Last night, in response to an excellent performance from Chris Graham (take a bow sir) a bumbling Spiers attempted an escape that even Houdini would be proud of. Rigorously he defended himself stating the following:

“I’ve never used the phrase ‘financial doping’…in cheating I didn’t refer to the big tax case, I was referring to the small tax case and I was referring to the non-payment of tax under Craig Whyte”

Except that’s not strictly true now is it Graham?


No Mr Spiers won’t quite so easily worm his way out of this one considering twitter was awash with Spiers’s comments that he claimed on television he did not make. I don’t think Spiers articles have ever been so popular, none more so than this article of Grahams where he compares Rangers use of EBT’s with the Juventus match fixing scandal.

That succulent lamb must now taste like ashes in that mouth of yours, probably explaining why you looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp.


Brian McNally


Some Rangers haters are more obvious than others and none quite so obvious as Brian McNally. I think we should take a look at a few of McNally’s highlights on twitter regarding Rangers Football Club.


This is the same McNally that accused Rangers fans of singing the famine song then only to slip out a meek half apology on the same day as the FTTT statement hoping no one would notice it. Well we did notice it Brian and it wont be forgotten.


Alex Thomson


Dear old Alex Thomson, a man whom I’ve very familiar with. Alex is quite taken with Rangers Football Club with 59 blogs under his belt. He got on the case because he wanted to report on one of the “major corporate failures of Scottish business history”. Here’s what he had to say about the FTTT verdict.


Poor Alex, so sour those grapes must be that this is what tweets to his followers. This is the journalistic equivalent to “move along folks there’s nothing to see here”.

Perhaps Alex Thomson is regretting putting his name to and promoting what he calls a “factual” book regarding the financial meltdown of Rangers Football Club. Alex will surely now report on how Rangers Football Club were liquidated because of an imaginary debt held by HMRC?

I wont be holding my breath on that one.

Phil Mac Giolla Bhain


The less said about this toxic individual the better tarred as he is with a sickening sectarian brush. Needless to say his “factual” book will now be re-housed in the bargain bin of the fiction section in any good bookshop.

Neil Lennon


A surprising inclusion in a list of bandwagon jumpers. You’d think the manager of a football club would have more concerns than to comment on an ongoing tax tribunal of another club.

Neil Lennon has never been the sharpest tool in the box and as shown by his disgraceful temperament as a player and a manager, is ruled by anger and is unable to keep his personal feelings in check.

Neil Lennon very publicly stated if Rangers are caught cheating that they should be stripped of titles adding more fuel to the bandwagon.

It appears Neil there is only one tax evader here…and that is you…




An organisation falling over itself to punish Rangers from as far back as June of this year were dealt a knock-out blow by the FTTT. In the coming weeks and months we should see the EBT title stripping investigation quietly dropped by the SPL as other headlines of its own financial meltdown take center stage.

However the blinding stupidity and malice shown by the SPL in recent times means that this is in no way guaranteed and they may very well continue their now doomed to failure investigation.

Why doomed you say? Well how can you investigate the nondisclosure of payments that have ruled by the law of the land to be lawful discretionary loans? I’ll be interested to see how they work that one if at all.

The Rest


This is by no means an exhaustive list. Missing are the hoards of internet users frantically beating their keyboards and howling with derision at the FTTT verdict.

The SPL ‘fans’ who demanded Rangers be cast out of the SPL for their cheating ways can now only watch as their own clubs slip ever closer to financial ruin as a result of their bitterness and bile.

We must now take the fight to them. Emboldened by our rightful victory it is the duty of every Rangers fan to hound these individuals and to never again let them back us into a corner with their slander and lies.

Eternal vigilance is the price we now have to pay if we want to proclaim “we are the people”.


Edited by Steve1872
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You should've heard Delahunt and Walker on Snyde 1 tonight. Desperate for the SPL to find us guilty.


Expect huge pressure to be exerted onto the panel investigating the "side letter" issue to find us guilty and to strip titles.

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You should've heard Delahunt and Walker on Snyde 1 tonight. Desperate for the SPL to find us guilty.


Expect huge pressure to be exerted onto the panel investigating the "side letter" issue to find us guilty and to strip titles.


I listened to Jim(ra Tim)Delahunt and Walker tonight, they are aggresively defending the need for the SPL to pursue Rangers over disclosure. Despite a Rangers supporting caller pointing out the continuing conflict of interest of Harper McLeod, they eulogised the probity of the appointed committee ie refused to deal with the point.


Remember, two years ago during the several months of Dougiegate; Delahunt's mantra every programme was, "Celtic supporters deserve full disclosure". Funnily enough, Jim ra Tim has as yet not uttered the same phrase reference Rangers supporters over yesterday's verdict.

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You should've heard Delahunt and Walker on Snyde 1 tonight. Desperate for the SPL to find us guilty.


Expect huge pressure to be exerted onto the panel investigating the "side letter" issue to find us guilty and to strip titles.


we know they want a guilty verdict. celtic supporting lawyers deciding the outcome is incredibly ridiculous.

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Can I ask a basic question? Who the feek is Brian McNally? I have never heard of him and have never read the Daily Mirror in my life. Is this guy an actual working journalist? I find his comments incredulous if he an actual journo working for a paper. He is so bitter and biased that is quite scary. Are journos not supposed to be impartial?

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Can I ask a basic question? Who the feek is Brian McNally? I have never heard of him and have never read the Daily Mirror in my life. Is this guy an actual working journalist? I find his comments incredulous if he an actual journo working for a paper. He is so bitter and biased that is quite scary. Are journos not supposed to be impartial?


his boss may well be of the same rhepublican persuasion. we have seen how it works in scotland, no doubt england is the same. these people can do and say what they like about us.

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