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HMRC e-petition

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The petition seems to be losing momentum. To get it to the next level there will need to be an active campaign to get signatures. I would suggest pushing the request out to supporter's club to get them to get their members to sign and perhaps a leafleting campaign at home games.

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The petition seems to be losing momentum. To get it to the next level there will need to be an active campaign to get signatures. I would suggest pushing the request out to supporter's club to get them to get their members to sign and perhaps a leafleting campaign at home games.


We really need this to be pushed through,it is very important so hopefully the fans groups, supporters clubs get their members to sign up like you say

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If you use other, non-football message, boards, it may be a good idea to post up details of the e-petition on those. Here is a suggested text that you can use:


Last week, a First Tier Tax Tribunal published their verdict on an appeal by Rangers FC (actually the Murray Group of Companies) against an HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) assessment concerning the use of Employee Benefit Trusts.


Throughout this case, there was a series of ‘leaks’ of confidential tax information that was detrimental to Rangers Football Club, their employees and to David Murray. These leaks ended up on a ‘blog’, the ‘Rangers Tax Case’, in a BBC documentary and in a variety of newspapers.


The purpose of the e-petition is not to support one side or another when it comes to the facts of the case. That was decided by the Tribunal and may be revised should HMRC choose to appeal. The purpose of the petition is to hold HMRC accountable for the leaking of personal financial information to the media.


In asking you to sign this petition, I would also ask you to consider if, one day, you want your personal financial affairs hung out for all to see? Do you want to be the basis of media speculation based on ‘leaked’ information? Consider how much damage the media have already done to innocent people. It doesn’t always happen to someone else.


This is not a partisan petition. This is about accountability of government and of government departments. It is about your right to privacy.


The petition is open to British citizens and UK residents.


Please sign:



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