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Exposing The Conspiracy

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It would be nice to compile a list of the managers,chairmen,ex-players,reporters etc: with direct links to quotes of them calling Rangers cheats,make it a sticky and never forget them

Edited by ian1964
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It would be nice to compile a list of the managers,chairmen,ex-players,reporters etc: with direct links to quotes of them calling Rangers cheats,make it a sticky and never forget them


basically anyone celtic minded. and there are plenty of them in this country. this was a clubwide and nationwide conspiracy against us.

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I'm reminded of the story of teh two bulls who notice the farmer has left the gate to the cow field open; "quick" says the young bull, "lets run down quickly and screw a couple". "No", says the old bull, "let's walk down slowly and do the lot"


So, let's not rush in too hastily. We should take our time about this and consider things in a careful, calm manner;


After all, we want to make sure that we get *all* of them.

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From what I can surmise, there are a lot of Internet footprints being erased?


Not a convincing defence case.


It's a scramble to try to save the arses of certain people involved in leaking information from within HMRC, law firms, a public funded media corporation and other parties who were all illegally privy to info they shouldn't have been.


BBC Scotland are possibly the worst culprit of them all because they broadcast a documentary to the masses which was mainly based on information they legally shouldn't even have had. That's why they only selected certain documents (a few emails) to publish, while the rest of the material they received from their 'sources' wasn't published 'as is', they only published their own edited (see 'cherry-picked') versions of it.

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It would be nice to compile a list of the managers,chairmen,ex-players,reporters etc: with direct links to quotes of them calling Rangers cheats,make it a sticky and never forget them


coudnt agree more lad lets never forget of fogive the one who lined up to stick the boot in when they thought we were down and out

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