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HMRC "almost certain" to appeal

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A source who didn't want to be identified, more leaks from HMRC.


Or just made up shit.


Hopefully the latter.


It just doesn't make sense to pursue a liquidated Company and its a further misuse of public money.


On the same day that its annonced that an accountancy firm used by HMRC pays only 3.5% Corporation Tax, they're wanting to pursue a perceived 'debt' that they will never realise on the basis that they can then go after other companies who employed the same tax avoidance scheme which was legal at the time.


Perhaps they should spend their time and money closing all these loopholes and simplifying the taxation system instead of an aggressive witch-hunt which there can be no winners now.

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Surely they can only appeal on a point of law and from what I've seen, they have no point of law on which to base their appeal. Were they to even attempt to do this, it would demonstrate a breathtaking arrogance considering the costs already involved to the taxpayer and the further costs that would be generated by such a foolhardy action. All things being equal - head of HMRC under parliamentary pressure; adverse publicity; danger of further embarrassing HMRC etc, I very much doubt that HMRC will even consider an appeal.

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A source who didn't want to be identified, more leaks from HMRC.


Or just made up shit.


The Sunday Times and the Times have been running with the investigations into various tax avoidance schemes for over a year know, pretty clear they have impeccable sources regarding HMRC not just some random bigoted Tim.

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