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Should We Help Others in Trouble?

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I noticed earlier that east Belfast club Glentoran are again in financial difficulties and haven't paid their players for a number of weeks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20549083


I imagine a home match against us would be of some help to them. I personally met a number of Glen's fans who were also Rangers fans although I'm not sure that matters in this case. I lived in Belfast for a number of years and I'm aware of the local rivalries, many of us might see their big rivals Linfield as their 'obvious' Belfast team, I personally took to supporting Crusaders but saw most of the local sides play in my time there.


The bigger point though is should we help? We know what it is like to see your club struggle through no fault of supporters. Should it become part of Rangers culture that when a fellow football club are in difficulty we offer to help?

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A noble thought...but where would you draw the line. We can't help EVERY club that has financial problems.


I'd draw the line at the UK, we can't help every club but we could offer too. From offering a friendly match at a suitable date to a couple of tickets for an auction prize. I don't see why we couldn't offer, I'd argue it could only help the club going forward too.

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Guest lisburnranger
How many clubs and sets of fans showed us any support or even sympathy during our time of need?


I rest my case.


I fully understand why you feel like that, but using the attitude and behaviours of others as a barometer for our own actions would be a betrayal of our history and culture. From the founding fathers, through to Bill Struth, Scot Symon, John Greig, Walter Smith and many more, we have displayed dignity, tolerance and protestant values. We are different from other supporters. The ability to remain true to ourselves and our traditions is what makes us the people

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Should it become part of Rangers culture that when a fellow football club are in difficulty we offer to help?


Definitely. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity here in which we can try to ditch the more unpleasant baggage that surrounds Rangers and adopt a new ethos among the support. Given our experience, it would make all sorts of sense for us to become the helpful, friendly club which is more than willing to mobilise its fantastic fan base to help any other club (other than the Gang of Four) in times of need.


I don't think friendly matches is necessarily the way forward, but something along the lines of a matchday raffle or donating the proceeds of programme sales would help other clubs without putting too much of a strain on the Rangers fan base.

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