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Rangers Fans' Call To Radio Clyde

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I think the BTC influenced decisions and reactions from clubs and fans. But you are right, on paper we were punished for the actions of Craig Whyte.


We were punished by the authorities for CW's non payment of tax but let's not forget the confusion at that time. Many people (maybe even most fans of other clubs and including many of our own) did not distinguish between CW and EBT's.


I remember likening it to the confusion when we invaded Iraq in many people's eyes to get Bin Laden!!


Yes, perhaps we did deserve punished for CW's actions, although I thought it was knee jerk and premature. We did not deserve all the other shit that was thrown our way.


As far as I can see there is no revisionism coming from those who hounded us, nor is there ever likely to be.

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We were punished by the authorities for CW's non payment of tax but let's not forget the confusion at that time. Many people (maybe even most fans of other clubs and including many of our own) did not distinguish between CW and EBT's.


I remember likening it to the confusion when we invaded Iraq in many people's eyes to get Bin Laden!!


Yes, perhaps we did deserve punished for CW's actions, although I thought it was knee jerk and premature. We did not deserve all the other shit that was thrown our way.


As far as I can see there is no revisionism coming from those who hounded us, nor is there ever likely to be.


I agree.


Also when D+P included the BTC in the creditors report it just added to the hysteria surrounding us at the time. When it should have been a time for level headedness and common sense reporting. Had I been writing on Rangers I would have made damn sure I got my facts right. But to me it looks like they went "f**k that £134 million debt sounds better"


I really hope David Murray holds these people accountable for the false headlines and blogs about Rangers even those who have apologised it has been anything but sincere. Stuart Cosgrove sounded like he said it through gritted teeth.

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Great call and the hosts rebuttals were very weak.


First one - I just ask questions. I.e. absolve himself of all responsibility and try and duck and hide.


2nd one - Charles Green agreed to the transfer ban. And then basically admits he was blackmailed too. (Would've been better had some really hammered through that point and used the word blackmail or something as strong).


They had no answer to the points.

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As far as I can see there is no revisionism coming from those who hounded us, nor is there ever likely to be.


That's exactly what bothers me most about it. Rangers where guilty from the get go and nobody could be quick enough to put the boot in. Alex Thompson, Mark Daly, Gerri Hassan, Mad Phil just to name very few. And none of the people who where so quick to find us guilty can be arsed to admit they where wrong now.

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