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RANGERS have given the go-ahead for Ibrox stars to take to Twitter to back the epetition to force the Government to probe HMRC and the criminal leaks to the now totally discredited Rangers Tax Case blog.



It is the first time any football club has ever given permission to players to take part in such a high profile on-line campaign and the backing from the Blue Room once again shows the way the new Rangers regime is working with supporters to fight the clubâ??s enemies.



Already, in the past few days, evidence of the bond which is forming between Charles Green, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge, became evident when Green announced that Rangers were backing the supporters calls for a boycott of the Scottish Cup tie against Dundee United at Tannadice and that Rangers were taking no tickets.



That was the first big bombshell news which underlined and proved what I first revealed here a fortnight ago, namely that there is a strong appetite among the powerbrokers inside Ibrox to make common cause with responsible supporters groups against those who have previously had a free rein to attack Rangers.



Of course the usual suspects were soon bleating their disbelief. But now, in the wake of the combined operations of Rangers and Rangers supporters over the Dundee United cup clash, they should know better.



Also, now the fact that Charles Green Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge have agreed to pleas from supporters to recruit Rangers players to the campaign to force a probe into HMRC and its dealings with Rangers, further underlines the Rangers regimeâ??s commitments to being men of the people.



It was not a step and a decision they were able to take lightly, for they know the many powerful enemies of Rangers inside the Hampden boardroom of the Scottish Football Association, where Stewart Regan and Peter Lawwell form a formidable alliance, are watching and waiting for any opportunity to charge Rangers with improper conduct.



However, after taking top level legal advice, the new Rangers regime have allowed Rangers players to join Rangers supporters in the campaign to unmask the criminal who leaked confidential tax information from HMRC to the now totally disgraced and discredited Rangers Tax Case blog.



The players have been told they are free to post links on their Twitter accounts to the epetition. The link is






If you want your electronic signature to count then remember to confirm the email link you will be sent. A total of 100,000 signatures are needed to ensure the whole sad sorry tale of the HMRC behaviour towards Rangers is raised in the House, leading, it is hoped, to a Government probe.

The hope is that not only the illegal leak will be investigated, but that senior HMRC officials will also be grilled and made to answer why it was they allowed Craig Whyte to gtet away without paying PAYE, VAT and NI for such a long time that the debt was such that Rangers had to be placed in administration, eventually leading to Liquidation and the Third Division.

If Rangers supporters take to the web and swamp this epetition with their electronic signatures then, in tandem with the Rangers regimeâ??s unprecedented co-operation in signing up the Ibrox players, a mighty machine can swing into action and lead to justice for Rangers.

With somebody eventually feeling the grip of the steel bracelets on their wrists as they hear the order of....take him down!







I hear there is a startling omission from the ranks of those Rangers stars from the past who have been invited to parade at Ibrox before Saturdayâ??s game to celebrate 140 years of Rangers history.

Gordon Smith, one of the key members of Jock Wallaceâ??s 1978 Treble winning team, has not been asked to join the throng of legends.

Whoever it was who left Smudgerâ??s name off the list should be ashamed.







ANOTHER victory over the forces lined up against them by the new Rangers regime. The statement by Charles Green that Rangers intend to hand over their share of the gate money from the Scottish Cup tie against Dundee United to charity, was a masterstroke.

I donâ??t know who is advising Charles, but whoever it is, is already doing a very good job. The BBCâ??s arch-anti Rangers â?? and anti Dundee â?? man on Tayside, the absolutely appalling Jim Spence, has just had the feet cut from under him.

As have everyone inside the Scottish Football Associationâ??s Hampden boardroom where many suspected that board big shot Peter Lawwell and his poodle, Stewart Regan, were plotting a plan to make Rangers look bad over the principled stand taken by Rangers supporters and backed by the club.

There are some fun times ahead for those who support Rangers. And a bumpy ride for the clubâ??s enemies. Inside Hampden and elsewhere too.

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