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Tommy In Glasgow Calls USA Radio To Discuss Rangers Tax Case - Quality!

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To quote one of my favourite bands The Smiths..."That joke isn't funny anymore.." I'm kind of starting to feel sorry for this guy. He is obviously mentally ill but persists on a spreading his madness to every radio station. I presume he has called a US station (as if they have a clue...) because he has been banned from all the stations here?


It's very similair to the madness spouted by phil mcthreenames. He was so offended that Glasgow didn't have a memorial for the Irish Famine that he took action.. What did he do? Did he challenge the powers at be in Glasgow/Scotland to erect such a memorial? Of course he didn't. The little coward travelled across to the relative safety of the US to spout his usual bile about how we are such a bad country and we are burning Catholics on every street corner (or something like that) to a gullable audience that had little idea of the actual facts

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To quote one of my favourite bands The Smiths..."That joke isn't funny anymore.." I'm kind of starting to feel sorry for this guy. He is obviously mentally ill but persists on a spreading his madness to every radio station. I presume he has called a US station (as if they have a clue...) because he has been banned from all the stations here?


Yeah, it would be tempting to write something like: "You see what we're dealing with here!?"


But sadly it isn't. If all the anti-rangers propoganda merchants were as transparent as this guy we'd easily be able to debunk them in front of a neutral audience. Unfortunately we're up against Machievellian businessmen, lawyers, journalists and the like. :O/

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I think this is genuine.

First thoughts are that it's highly embarrassing for that lot to have prats like Tommy and Phil Magiigglybob as their spokesmen.

Both total loonballs and fruitcakes. Therefore not dangerous.

However, when QCs, lawyers and ex-Ministers also have loonball fruitcake ideas, that becomes dangerous. So best we know how to sort the wheat from the chaff.

The most pertinent - and laughable - moment came when Tommy was ranting on about the Pope, the Knights Templar and the Masons, with the gobsmackingly damning evidence when he quoted his source as the DaVinci Code. The yank says "What's this got to do with football?"

Classic. Absolute classic!

What pub does Tommy drink in? That's what I would call entertainment.

He's a stand-up waiting to happen.

Highly entertaining!

Edited by bluebear54
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