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Divisions In The Camp

Guest billmcmurdo

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The single worst thing about the RFC support is its lack of unity within the online (and arguably its most politically active) fans.


I honestly can't believe that during one of the worst period's in our club's history we have fans (albeit in relatively small numbers) who'd prefer to cast slights on each other rather than work together for the greater good.


It's really quite embarrassing and it's no wonder the majority are often put off doing more than just attending games!

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You just have to look at all the flak Giovanni di Stefano took and takes for getting himself a share in the oldco and going after D&P, Lloyds and whatnot. I would be embarassed as a shareholder that someone like GDS does the job I am supposed to do ... or at least asks the question openly and at the right places. But no, boarders slant and slate him galore for his efforts (no matter what intent he has privately).


Same goes for the singing of songs by them. They got us neck-deep in the brown and reeky stuff with UEFA and consequently the SFA and SPL. Because they simply complained about FTP and TBB. It took just a little effort by less than a handful of German (sic!) Bears to get them into the UEFA dock about their songs, but they go on and on and on with it. The Bears lament this on the boards ... which, I can tell you ... are not read by UEFA or SFA or SPL offiicials. They sung their terrorist songs again in Europe this season, in Arbroath too. But if people do not complain at the right places - something that needs not even a fan group - it will be solely us on the receiving end. So much like these squabbling fan groups, you apparently cannot even get the Rangers support itself to work or do something ... I wonder where this sort of lethargy (or maybe fear) comes from?

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If you read 'Born Fighting' by Jim Webb (United States Senator for Virginia). It tells the struggle of the Scots-Irish (Protestant) who went on to shape America. It's a brilliant read. But core to the whole content is the in-built 'Clan' mentatlity of the Scots Protestant and the inter-fighting that has always existed. We can never agree on very much and certainly don't allow ourselves to be ruled by an 'eminent' figurehead. Yes, we have sworn allegiance to the crown throughout centuries - that is until the Crown did something that went against our Scots Protestant heritage.

One major example of that was America welcoming the Scots\Irish into states like Virginia. They needed a free 'army' to keep the Indians at bay. They knew of the fearsome fighting reputation of the Scots\Irish and knew that if they let them settle they would repel the Indians to protect their newly found land. Once the US Government decided that the job was done they then tried to 'rein in' the new settlers. That's when they realised they would never rein in these people who went back to adopting the Clan mentatlity i.e. only bowing to their Clan chief. The story of the Deep South's division from the north is now history.

I've gone off on a tangent but is it in our DNA? We seem to be very 'good' at it!

Edited by Anchorman
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I'm sickened with some of the things I've read today. its immensely sad.


It's always really saddened me when we fight amongst ourselves (literally at times). It's never been any different. I remember the 70s clearly when the Rangers end (and outside) was absolutley peppered with gang fights. I've lost count of the amount of times I saw our own fans hit each other with bottles and bricks (and that was inside the ground as well). I even saw one fan stab another in full view (which made the front of the Sunday Mail) at the Rangers End in Ibrox.

Even the last twice when they've opened Ibrox after a title win I've witnessed our support knocking 10 bells out of each other. This is just a different form of fighting amongst the 'academics\intellectuals (?)'. Makes me sick!

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