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I predict a riot - Green blasts United ticket sales plan

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We wont win any senior trophies under green in my opinion. As for being run properly, dont make me laugh.


Coming from a Murray Fanboy, telling anybody how to run something properly is the funniet thing I've heard all year. :) :)


Please stop my sides are hurting. :)

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There's a huge irony in all this when you've said outright to me you refuse to go to Ibrox because of Green (some would speculate it's a convenient excuse for not fancying the third division.)


Yet you're advocating attendance of this match and say you'll be going, the one match everyone at the club says the fans should not attend. It's a damn cheek to go on about the team needing support when you refuse to give any for our bread and butter.


It's funny you want to go to the one game Green does not want Rangers fans at. Many would interpret this as you hating Green more than you love the club.


Lol. What a joke. Boycotting our league games at Ibrox because of Green but desperately wants to go against the wishes of the clubs and the majority of the fanbase to give money to this scummy club. What a mixed up little man.

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Win the league every year? We'll be lucky to wn it once with this mob in charge. We generate enough to compete with any team in Scotland, sady much of our income will be going out the back door. People's tune will soon change when the ******** start turning us over every game.


Again you never answer the hard question, where is the money coming from to fund this spending you say we need, and don't start with Green is taking it all out. If its one thing we have learned through all this mess its that your hero Sir Minty took a shit load of money out of the club, just because he didn't call it a wage or bonus doesn't mean it didn't end in his pocket.

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Lol. What a joke. Boycotting our league games at Ibrox because of Green but desperately wants to go against the wishes of the clubs and the majority of the fanbase to give money to this scummy club. What a mixed up little man.


Personal insults when you have no argument. I can see why they made you a mod. I'm far from little or mixed up. I form my opinion on what i see happening, not by what a cheerleader says.

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A question for comeOffit...What or who were the genuine alternitive to Charles Green and Co?


He's going to come on and tell you we will never know because it was some big conspiracy to give Green the club, and the true Rangers men ( remember them ) were climbing over each other to spunk money at us.

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Lol. What a joke. Boycotting our league games at Ibrox because of Green but desperately wants to go against the wishes of the clubs and the majority of the fanbase to give money to this scummy club. What a mixed up little man.
I don't want anyone breaking ranks but I can at least fairly understand if it's someone who goes to as many matches as possible.


This stuff is like trolling, I'd think it was if he hadn't been so constant over multiple forums.

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He's going to come on and tell you we will never know because it was some big conspiracy to give Green the club, and the true Rangers men ( remember them ) were climbing over each other to spunk money at us.


I'm still waiting on these wronged bidders to launch legal action.

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Again you never answer the hard question, where is the money coming from to fund this spending you say we need, and don't start with Green is taking it all out.


Don't worry GA once Charlie leaves comeoffit will throw money at the club to let us spend big, oh wait a minute by his admission he hardly went before Charlie took over,just the sort of fan we need ,all talk no action

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