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Selling to Craig Whyte â??a heinous offenceâ??

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video here http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/207955-former-rangers-chairman-selling-to-craig-whyte-a-heinous-offence/

A former chairman of Rangers has branded Sir David Murrayâ??s decision to sell the club to Craig Whyte â??a heinous offenceâ?.

Alastair Johnston told STV News there were outstanding questions about the events which led up to the Ibrox side going into administration in February.

Mr Johnston was chairman of the club from August 2009 until May 2011, when Sir David sold the club to Mr Whyte for £1.

He told STV News that the sale was â??somewhat controversial between myself and Sir David.â?

He continued: â??I think heâ??s done a wonderful job over the years for Rangers Football Club. That he sold the club to Craig Whyte for £1 and let somebody whoâ??s addicted to lying and cheating â?? and, candidly, was a chancer â?? into the cockpit in the left seat, as they say in aviation terms, was, in my mind, a heinous offence.â?

Sir David has previously insisted he was "duped" by Mr Whyte. He said in March: "I was primarily duped. My advisers were duped, the bank was duped, the shareholders were duped. We've all been duped. Is duped the right word? Duped is the right word.

"It does not look good for Craig Whyte. I deeply, deeply regret selling the club to Craig Whyte. And if the information had been available to me at the time I wouldn't have done it. I did it in good faith.

"And I can only apologise. I wish I'd never done the deal with Craig Whyte."

However, Mr Johnston also laid some of the blame with bank Lloyds TSB and creditors Ticketus, adding: â??I do think that Lloyds had some responsibility for this. I think others â?? Ticketus â?? were facilitators for Mr Whyte and should have known better. Obviously itâ??s public knowledge now that the source of funding was something that any bank doing its due diligence should have known.â?

Mr Johnston has invested in the Rangers Supporters Trust scheme, saying it was important to distinguish between fans and supporters.

He explained: â??I did that as much as anything else as a sense of symbolism. Iâ??ve made the point of distinguishing that thereâ??s a lot of Rangers fans but, in the last year or two years, thereâ??s been a lot of Rangers supporters.â?

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Anyone with a PC could have discovered what Whyte was before and during the transaction. So the fact that Murray, a well connected and wealthy businessman who lives in Scotland wants to believe that he was "duped" is frankly absurd.


Murray was forced to sell by LBG as they were wanting to claw in as much cash as possible because they believed that Murray's Business Empire was a risk of failing, in my opinion.

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Guest Tom Vallance

Murray wasn't 'duped'. He just wanted shot of us asap. He gave no regard to who he was selling to .......... and saddled us with a shyster who did incalculable damage in such a short space of time. Whyte is the reason that I am watching my beloved Rangers in the Third Division, but it was Murray that made it all possible.

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