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CRO - Bring Back The Billy Boys!

Guest billmcmurdo

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Now read the actual article and feel like it's from a bible basher. I have no problem with people being religious but why do they always have to force it on everyone else (although I suppose that's one of the tenets of any religion - spread the word)? The guy wants us to start singing hymns now - maybe he should leave that for Sunday in the church (or at home) and encourage more of the self professed "prods" to actually attend and join in the singing there.


Why do people insist on turning a football stadium into a church? And not even a good church at that, a bastardised church where aggression, sometimes verging on violence, with a mix of hatred for others and a ton of bad language is the norm?


I really can't reconcile the tenets of most religions with average behaviour of even "well behaved" football fans.


If people want to show off their religion they should do so by being impeccable citizens, who try to make the world a better and more godly place. Basically, "be good, not bad". The problem is that so many people don't demonstrate they know the difference, the attitude of most "prods" these days seems more to me like the devil's work.


"Will your anchor hold" is all about putting your faith and love into Christ and his teachings and yet the same people that want to sing this also want to sing a song that associates themselves with a razor gang and to be up to their knees in someone's blood! It's a mad old world and shows why religion is the most misunderstood concept in the history of civilisation.

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See post 49. We would ahve to take this debate to UEFA and try to reason with them.


I think UEFA are tired of the whole subject and not open to discussion. It's a complex subject with no real answer and so they have simplified it. They have simply banned one song and I don't think you could really make a mature sounding argument about that. It's one song! Just don't sing it...


If I were them I wouldn't want to spend a ton of time debating something so trivial.

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On a sidenote .. from the days when I was not a yet a member of this very board: Rangers support ordered to axe Billy Boys (<- click). The letter from UEFA were shown to supporters club leaders at the time. Methinks what concerned them more was the FTP add-ons elsewhere, something which annoyed the Austrian (arch-Catholic) UEFA delegate, who challenged UEFA itself to push through his own sectarian agenda. For at the end of the day, TBB much like FTP are nothing more than cynical football banter to 95% of the Rangers support.

Edited by der Berliner
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Indeed the Billy Boys would have been a reprehensible bunch who slashed people and ruined lives. And if UEFA decide we're not allowed to sing about them I have no great problem with that (although the loss of the opening of the chant is something to be regretted as there is *nothing* else like it in world football to get an instant atmosphere going) - but it does show where we are light years behind that mhob; public relations, campaign pressure and organisation. How, otherwise can we explain the fact that Rangers have been threatened with stadium closure for singing about a street gang whereas our fhreinds from the East End can sing about terrorist organisations, - who don't s much slash people as, well, blow them to pieces - with nary a murmour from UEFA.


P.R. Alliances. Friends in High Places. They have them; we don't.


We really should put some thought into reclaiming the chant, though:


How about:


Hullo! Hullo!

We are the Teddy Boys

Hullo! Hullo!

You'll know us by our noise

They tried tae kill our fuckin' club

But we refused tae die

For we are the Govan Teddy Boys!


Go on, admit it you'll be singing that all day now. :)

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