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JUST because Rangers chief executive Charles Greenâ??s New Year message to supporters was untypically downbeat yesterday, it doesnâ??t mean Rangers will be adopting a low key approach in 2013.


In fact, Rangers will be adopting anything but a low key and softly-softly approach to the clubâ??s many enemies in the coming twelve months.


In fact, I can confidently predict, that 2013 will be the year which will see Rangers adopt a hard line approach to those who have previously got away with murder when it comes to trashing Rangers.


And I believe two of the first of the many enemies of Rangers who are out there, to feel the pinch will be BBC Radio Scotland and Radio Clyde.


My forecast is that there will be news coming out of Ibrox â?? maybe even in the next few days â?? which will cheer Rangers supporters and give the clubâ??s fans belief in a future which will see Rangers adopt a much more aggressive policy.


A belief which can be based on the fact that a blueprint has been prepared and will soon be put into action to remove the impunity with which so many media outlets attacked Rangers, while running scared of Celtic.


BBC Radio Scotland which harbours hatred for Rangers, never more explicitly expressed than when self confessed football hooligan Stuart Cosgrove and his deeply unfunny cohort Tam Cowan are howling their hatred, dressed up as banter, from behind the mic, has long been deeply unpopular with Rangers supporters.


And that unpopularity has become even greater since the departure from the BBC Radio Scotland studios of Jim Traynor, leaving Cosgrove and Cowan with greater freedom than ever to slag Rangers.


While, for Rangers fans, Radio Clyde, which keeps Odious Creep close to its low paying bosom, has long been viewed as, as near to the Official Voice of Celtic as it is possible to be without it being called Radio Celtic.


Therefore, if Rangers chose the opening weeks of 2013 to fire their opening salvo in the fightback against those who supporters of the club see as the leading broadcasting outlets with an anti-Rangers agenda, BBC Radio Scotland and Radio Clyde, then the club will have laid down a marker for the rest of the year and the future which lies beyond the next twelve months.


Of course I know there are some doubters out there â?? the usual suspects â?? who will rush to their keyboards to clatter out their usual Doubting Thomas bile.


On you go, guys. But just remember that in a very short time â?? perhaps even hours â?? there may well be the sort of news coming from within the Blue Room which will give the official stamp to what I am predicting.

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time we started a propoer boycott of all things anti rangers..


stop listenig to clyde, flood them with complaints and withdraw our tv licence fees and flood them with complaints and reasons why. its the only way they will listen. it has to be done in great numbers, the same way celtic lobbied uefa to take action against us and the spl clubs to vote no.

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This is an EXACT replica of Leggo's stuff about what Craig Whyte was going to do. Read between the lines of his regurtitation. We can't slag the vicTIMS off for having an obession about us while at the same time miss his obsession with Spiers (can't be arsed with this Odious Creep nonsense). Yes,BBC are VERY guilty of a lot against us recently (RC are just RC and will always be because they are trivial at the end of the day - annoying tivial agreed).

People let their heart rule their head though (especially Leggo). Charles Green has admitted his time with us is short (in relative terms). What do you think he is going to spend it doing? Making enemies of every major source of media in this little country or making money? I believe he really has an affection for The Club now but it doesn't blind him. So sorry Leggo, while that clown Spiers gets all the little stints that you would love you will just have to remain extremely jealous of the twat.

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This is an EXACT replica of Leggo's stuff about what Craig Whyte was going to do. Read between the lines of his regurtitation. We can't slag the vicTIMS off for having an obession about us while at the same time miss his obsession with Spiers (can't be arsed with this Odious Creep nonsense). Yes,BBC are VERY guilty of a lot against us recently (RC are just RC and will always be because they are trivial at the end of the day - annoying tivial agreed).

People let their heart rule their head though (especially Leggo). Charles Green has admitted his time with us is short (in relative terms). What do you think he is going to spend it doing? Making enemies of every major source of media in this little country or making money? I believe he really has an affection for The Club now but it doesn't blind him. So sorry Leggo, while that clown Spiers gets all the little stints that you would love you will just have to remain extremely jealous of the twat.


He said on Eurosport yesterday that the difference between him and the last 2 owners was that they were supporters and he was not. Because of that he could make better business decisions. He then added that he was slowly turning into a fan though and would have to watch not to get sucked into making the same mistakes as his predecessors. (This is my wording and not a word for word quote.)

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