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When the truth becomes uncomfortable

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It was in Alabama's Birmingham jail, following a peaceful civil rights protest, that Martin Luther King Jr. wrote his famous Birmingham letter and declared to a watching world, “I am in Birmingham because injustice is here”.


Whilst I may not be incarcerated in my native Scotland, as I write these words , I can honestly declare that “injustice is here”. Here in my native Scotland and being wrought upon my football club.


When you condemn someone without trial – that is injustice.


When you pre-determine someone's guilt and draw up punishments before a verdict – that is injustice.


When you impose sanctions upon someone which a court has deemed unlawful – that is injustice.


When you honour and award those who have been responsible for sowing the lies which deceived a nation – that is injustice.


But it appears Scotland has a new secret shame, because no-body appears to have any desire to talk or discuss the injustices which have been heaped upon Rangers FC. None of our journalists appear to be investigating the men behind the Rangers Tax Case, why is there a continued silence and a lack of will or desire to determine where the leaks came from which sustained this blog for so long ?


The injustices of which I speak should shame Scotland. In fact I suspect they do. A lot of people have been embarrassed as they are forced to reflect on their own failings during this process. Particularly elements of the press who had Rangers condemned before verdict. It's no small wonder they urge the Rangers support to forgive, forget and move on.


Quite simply the truth is too uncomfortable for them to face – the suggestion to the Rangers support to “forgive, forget and move on” is an excuse for them to ignore their own failings, their own responsibilities and their own culpability in the commission of the injustice wrought upon Rangers FC. To their eternal shame some have even resorted to lying on national television in an attempt to squirm out of taking responsibility for what they have scribed.


Perhaps when the guilty ones face the uncomfortable truth, and acknowledge their shortcomings, then and only then will we even consider “moving on”.

Edited by D'Artagnan
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I would have hoped Jim Traynor in his Rangers position would have been employed in addressing this very topic throughout Scotland's Lawcourts, Britain, Europe (UEFA) and throughout the World (FIFA).

Our reputation has been severely damaged and will remain so if our own authorities remain silent.

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maybe the fighting fund would be better put to a use as to employ professional investigators to carry out an investigation then present the facts for all to see .


That would be a really good first step Foggy. A "dossier" if you like.....with quotes and evidence of bullying and bias etc. I'll volunteer for the gig. £50k and a 5 Series and I'm the RFFF's disposal!

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