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Rangers Supporters Trust statement on re-construction

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The Rangers Supporters Trust are disappointed but unsurprised that the SPL clubs have decided to show total disregard to football supporters, and unanimously back a reconstruction proposal which has serious question marks over it's viability.


At the moment there is no sponsor and there are serious concerns over the future of the current broadcasting deal. Back in October Neil Doncaster reported that the SPL was adapting remarkably well without Rangers. Given this prosperity, one would question the need to rush the proposal through for the beginning of next season, especially when there are so many unanswered questions.


We can only hope that our fellow SFL clubs are able to display the integrity, transparency and common sense so sadly lacking from their SPL counterparts, and treat this proposal with the same level of contempt as the SPL have shown football supporters.


In the summer the directors of many SPL clubs stated how important it was to listen to fans - yet there would appear to be an almost universal rejection amongst fans of all clubs against 12-12-18.


We also note statements in recent times from the Dundee United Chairman and the Celtic CEO concerning the unsuitability changing of the rules of a competition during a season.




"You canâ??t ignore fans. Any business which ignores its customers is doomed to fail". Stephen Thompson, Dundee United. 9th June 2012.


"However, the league must not be compromised by changing the rules during the course of the competition and these decisions should not be made on an ad-hoc basis". Peter Lawell, Celtic FC. 22nd April 2008.



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Representatives of ArabTRUST have met with Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson to discuss the ongoing league reconstruction.


Following constructive discussions, the trust advised the club that it was not in favour of rushing through the introduction of all of the proposed changes this summer.


â??We believe that within the overall proposals to reconstruct the leagues there are some good principles, such as the redistribution of wealth and the simplification of the governing bodies,â? a trust spokesman said.


â??We see no reason why these should not be undertaken at the earliest opportunity.


â??However, we think it is grossly unfair that clubs are being asked to vote on this matter, when little detail or any alternatives have been provided, and where it appears to be a take it or leave it scenario.â?


The spokesman added that it was felt to be imperative that further detail is provided to fans on the league reconstruction proposals.


â??How can we propose to buy season tickets for 2013/14 when we have no idea who we are going to see for the entire price we are paying?â? he added.


â??Given that clubs â?? and supporters â?? have not been offered any alternative structures to consider, or any vision on the longer-term shape of Scottish football, we call on the SFA to provide leadership by bringing a period of reflection and detailed consultation before any decision is made.


â??As we have said before, supporters are the lifeblood of the game and whilst the authorities have mostly failed to listen to date, we are encouraged that United have listened to our views.â?


The trust has also called on United fans to get right behind the team.


â??The level of success is crucial to the playing budget that will be available to our new manager,â? said the spokesman.

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Club Statement: League Talks

Tue, 29th Jan 2013 11:30pm

Clyde FC representatives will be attending this Thursday's SFL meeting, where the main agenda item will be the proposed plans for league reconstruction, including details on governance and the distribution model.


The club has been informed that no formal vote will take place at Thursday's meeting, but rather the day is an opportunity for all SFL clubs to discuss the proposal in depth and find out the latest developments on the subject.


We trust that the meeting at Hampden will provide us with the necessary clarity to allow the club to make an informed decision. We are particularly interested in the detail behind the proposed voting arrangements and the arguments for larger leagues which, although dismissed as not being competitive enough for top clubs due to the prospect of meaningless games, is deemed suitable for eighteen other clubs.


Prior to any formal vote the club will consult with its owners in order to ascertain their views on the proposed fundamental changes to the structure of the game.

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We are particularly interested in the detail behind the proposed voting arrangements and the arguments for larger leagues which, although dismissed as not being competitive enough for top clubs due to the prospect of meaningless games, is deemed suitable for eighteen other clubs.



Will be interesting to hear the SPL/SFA response to this.....

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Will be interesting to hear the SPL/SFA response to this.....


Yep, it is refreshing to see these clear-minded people outside the SPL voice their concerns openly. (Though there still is a lingering feel of "at the end of the day though, words do not count ...")

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