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Leggoland - Names The Culprits

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THERE was storm of interest when, in his valedictory column in the Daily Record, Jim Traynor revealed the reaction of two senior executives to the news that the First Tier Tax Tribunal had found in favour of Rangers.


According to what Traynor wrote, the reaction of one was to blurt out in bitter bile.... â??Itâ??s a f*****g Government conspiracy.â?


While the otherâ??s head simply slumped into his hands in an action which, as far as body language went, spoke of disbelief and despair.


Traynorâ??s revelations sparked a feeding frenzy of folk who wanted to know just who the senior news man inside the Daily Record was who was so bitter, so twisted and so hateful towards Rangers, so lacking in serious news judgement, that he truly believed dark forces were at work at Government level to clear Rangers.


Plus, who was the other senior executive whose reaction, in front of a host of witnesses, spoke volumes of his disbelieving despair at the verdict in favour of Rangers?


My interest was certainly sparked by that Traynor column, which went a long way in exposing the Daily Record for what it has become, a nest of Rangers hating vipers, tied in a commercial deal to Celtic. That column appeared just before Christmas.


However, it appears to me that a climate of fear exists within the Daily Record, for suddenly many friends who I have known for years and who I have spoken to regularly, broke off all communications. One of them even went pretty far down the line of actually attempting to avoid me at a match.


It is sad that so many decent, diligent, professional and honest journalists should be subjected to what are believed by some to be terror tactics inside the Daily Record and Sunday Mail bunker.


But then Jim Traynor repeated that Government conspiracy quote, also mentioning the head-in-hands moment, in a recent blog which appeared on the Official Rangers web site, though once again he refused to reveal the names of the Daily Record senior men whose words and actions betrayed their lack of journalistic professionalism.


Once again my interest was sparked. Renewed, if you like and I tried again to get more information. To no avail. Then something strange happened. An email dropped into my inbox from an anonymous Hotmail address. It contained just two names.






What could this mean? Does it mean that Kevin Mansi, who is the Daily Record news editor, the man responsible for setting the daily news agenda, a reporter whose by line has appeared regularly over the years, making him a public figure, and who is now a powerful opinion forming senior executive, was the man who uttered the damning phrase.... â??Itâ??s a f******g Government conspiracy?â?


And that Rennie, the editor of the Daily Record and the man who offered to meet and give a platform to the anonymous and now completely discredited bigot behind the Rangers Tax Case blog, was the man who slumped with his head in his hands?


My belief is that if it was put to Jim Traynor that Kevin Mansi was the foul mouthed culprit and Alan Rennie the man whose body language betrayed him, he would not dispute it, perhaps even resorting to the classic Francis Urquhart line that, you may think so, but he could not possibly comment.


Everyone already knows about editor Alan Rennie from when I first revealed how he rolled over to have his tummy tickled after one of his sports writers was banned from Parkhead by Peter Lawwell, just as Celtic were signing a commercial deal with the Daily Record.


But Kevin Mansi is a new name for most readers. He is, as I have made clear, a well known by line which has been appearing in newspapers for two decades or more. I have known him for over 20 years. We were colleagues on the Record and Sunday Mail when they were pillars of journalistic rectitude and excellence and he was but a lowly hack. We were colleagues again during my two years with the Scottish Daily Express.


One of the things I do know about Kevin Mansi is that he is a rabid Celtic supporter. He always gave me the impression of being the sort of Celtic fan who would have sympathy with the political beliefs of those in the Green Brigade. Of course that was only my impression and I may well have been wrong.


In recent years he became the protégé of another apparent Celtic mouthpiece, Tom Hamilton, who retired from the Record some time ago. Now Kevin Mansi has taken over from Tom Hamilton as the news editor, the head of news, the man who effectively calls the shots and sets the news agenda at the newspaper which is Celticâ??s commercial partner, the Daily Record and who is on the same executive level as another rabid Celtic supporter whose name is well known to readers, Record sports editor Austin Barrett.


Of course, if Kevin Mansi claims he was not the senior Daily Record executive to utter the damning phrase, â??Itâ??s a f*****g Govermment conspiracy,â? on the occasion of the First Tier Tax Tribunalâ??s verdict in favour of Rangers, then I will no doubt see him in the Court of Session.


Where any number of people will be required to take the oath and be grilled by a top QC on the events on the editorial floor of the Daily Record on the day the First Tier Tax Tribunal delivered its verdict in favour of Rangers.


What is more likely is that Mansi will try to man the barricades in his defence by admitting he did utter the damning phrase, but only in jest. Something which he will no doubt be confident his fellow Record executives will endorse. To which the only reasonable retort must surely be....


Aye, right!


Finally, let me be clear as to what any reaction of any Rangers supporter should be to this news. It should most certainly, most emphatically, not involve any communication of any sort with either Daily Record editor Alan Rennie or Daily Record news editor Kevin Mansi. That would only play straight into the hands of the Rangers haters. Of whom there are many. The way to cause the maximum damage to Alan Rennie and Kevin Mansi is to quite simply stop buying the Daily Record and the Sunday Mail.


That is, if there are any Rangers fans left who still give their money to two newspapers which are commercial partnerâ??s of Peter Lawwellâ??s Celtic.

leggoland at 07:28

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He gets a lot of stick over on RM, and some of the time merited for his blogs. But say all you want about leggo, the fact of the matter is, the guy is a bear and he is on our side.


And he deserves praise for standing up and actually printing those names.

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Will you still be saying that when the media is crawling with reports that these 2 guys have been inundated with threats of violence etc???


It is not leggo's responsibility. He is not responsible for the actions of others and he clearly states he does not support any untoward action.


If people cannot react to this news without threatening harm/violence on others then they need to go and get some professional help.

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It is not leggo's responsibility. He is not responsible for the actions of others and he clearly states he does not support any untoward action.


If people cannot react to this news without threatening harm/violence on others then they need to go and get some professional help.


totally agree....however there is an element of social responsibility. Where is his proof - an anonymous email with 2 names on it???? Hardly concrete evidence.

What if his "proof" is later shown to be completely wrong??? He could probably get done with slander/libel (cannae mind the difference).


While Leggat isn't responsible for how some peoples react or behave, he does have a responsibility knowing how previous instances like this have unraveled and the potential grief that may be caused to these individuals. If he has proof about these guys, then surely a formal complaint to their employers is a much better way to deal with the situation - this would obviously need to be backed up with concrete evidence.

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Reckless grasping for attention and recognition by Leggo. His oh-so-responsible little caveat at the end does nothing to detract from the fact that this article lines the Rangers support up for yet another shafting by the very people he is trying to hurt, ie the popular Scottish media. Fucking numbnut.

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He could probably get done with slander/libel (cannae mind the difference).


Slander is spoken - Libel is written


A lot of Leggats stuff is hot air. He never really seems to be able to back up his claims. Like you say an anonymous email. He could've sent that to himself. (anonymously of course :whistle:)


Now if someone that actually witnessed the incident were to come forward and say it alongwith corroboration from others. Then it could be taken seriously. But for now it just seems like more hot air

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