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Lord Nimmo Smith Verdict Will Take Weeks

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LORD NIMMO SMITH is set to keep Rangers sweating over their titles for “weeks rather than days”.


The law lord yesterday gathered final submissions from legal teams representing the Ibrox club and SPL after chairing a three-man panel over three days as part of the probe into the use of EBTs.


Rangers stand accused of breaking SPL rules by making undisclosed payments to players from 2000 to 2011 during the reign of former chairman David Murray.


Lord Nimmo Smith must now deliver a verdict and if he finds Rangers guilty he has to also decide on an appropriate punishment – with a raft of possible sanctions including the potential stripping of some of the club’s 54 titles.


But Record Sport understands there will be no rush to announce Rangers’ fate and Lord Nimmo Smith told both parties yesterday he is unlikely to be in a position to tell them his decision this week or next.


A close source said: “It appears we are talking weeks rather than days for the final decision.


“Lord Nimmo Smith has a lot of evidence and submissions to go through and also has to examine the SPL rulebook. These are serious allegations and he will not be rushed.”


We also understand that Biggart Baillie, the lawyers representing Rangers oldco, are quietly

confident of securing a positive outcome.


They believe the findings of the first-tier tax tribunal – which cleared Rangers of cooking the books – has significantly weakened the case against the club.


They believe their case is so solid they did not require “star witnesses” including Murray and former director Mike McGill to give evidence.


Current Rangers chief Charles Green has refused to take any part in the proceedings. Last night the SPL released a statement that said: “The independent commission has heard evidence and submissions and will issue a full written decision in due course.”

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Not Guilty, will just take weeks to word the result to show us the worst possible light.


Surely Nimmo Smith sitting at the head of this impartial and above board panel (no laughing at the back) should already be up to speed on the SPL rule book. So why does he need weeks to go over the rules? Maybe looking for any loophole to find us guilty.

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Lord Nimmo Smith has had months to examine the SPL rule book so will be well read on the nuances within that.


It may well take him a week or two to write up his decision but I'm pretty sure his decision will have been made already.

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