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Orlit Enterprises to seek winding up order against Rangers

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The terrible addiction of the Rangers-hating bloggers


The poisoned pens (or should that be keyboards) of the anti-Rangers bloggers are pouring out more "revelations" about Rangers' finances, this time the conjectured fall-out between Orlit Enterprises and Rangers Football Club Ltd, resulting in the now notorious "winding-up order" which Toxic Thomson, Phil Multi Names and Paul McConville are salivating over.


It's all a bit Groundhog Day, with the usual suspects poring over the minutiae of Rangers' financial transactions, looking for that Pulitzer moment. 2012 revisited with the same fantastic claims and not-so-expert analysis.



We have to accept that this is basically just these saddos' addiction - a kind of financial porn habit where they keep looking for the killer blow against a club they despise with such bigoted venom that never seems to come.


I am led to believe that it was Orlit Enterprises that introduced Arif Naqvi of Abraaj Capital to Rangers. Mr Naqvi invested £2 million in Rangers last year.


So Rangers owe Orlit money?


Wow - what a story.


To quote the irrepressible McConville on his blog:-


"With no knowledge of the details of the invoices and the apparent dispute, it would be wrong to take this as a sign that Rangers are in financial difficulty."


You said it, Paul.


But thanks again for your interest in Scotland's biggest team.




Exactly!!!! Nothing to see here folks. Move along now - keep moving. Have a nice day!

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I am led to believe that it was Orlit Enterprises that introduced Arif Naqvi of Abraaj Capital to Rangers. Mr Naqvi invested £2 million in Rangers last year.



Oh dear where did that piece of bullshit emanate from?


Coplandroad,org are usually better than this, very sloppy.


CHARLES GREEN, Chief Executive, issued the following statement today:


â??There has been renewed speculation and media comment recently regarding the current shareholders in The Rangers Football Club. A full list of current shareholders will be published in the share prospectus which will be issued within the next few weeks.


â??A lot of attention has focused on investment funds which have taken a shareholding in the Club to date.


â??For example, I would like to clarify that in the case of Blue Pitch Holdings, the legal beneficiary is Mazen Houssami and not Arif Naqvi of Abraaj Capital. Mr Naqvi is a personal friend of mine and I approached him early on in the process about a shareholding but he has not proceeded on the basis that the investment fell outside the core geography he invests in.â?



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