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TRS - Are Rangers learning the PR lesson?

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With todayâ??s front page news that an Asian finance firm were considering seeking a winding-up order against the club for non-payment of alleged services, the recurring debate about Rangersâ?? PR performance has again raised its somewhat ugly head.


Most of our online communities were aware of the rumour surrounding the court petition which had started on one of the more popular Celtic-supporting blogs. However, it wasnâ??t until the always mischief-making Alex Thomson ran with the story that the club took the issue seriously enough to warrant comment. They reacted yesterday afternoon with a typically bullish statement that suggested the sums sought were â??insignificantâ?? and agreement had been reached with Orlit Financial Services â??subject to the necessary paperworkâ??.


Fair enough but what was perhaps most interesting was that the club went on to conclude that the matter was â??unworthy of further commentâ?? â?? clearly an abrupt dismissal of an issue that many fans remain concerned about.


Read more: http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/index.php/articles/current-affairs/219-are-rangers-learning-the-pr-lesson

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In a word no we aren't, yes we got a little better at snapping back.


But PR for me is about heading off these attacks before they even get that far and we are a long way from that day.


Would help mind you to know how any info on Rangers seems to find its way into the public domain so easily, whether its inside Ibrox or somewhere else the leaks have to be plugged.

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What sort of reaction people do expect and in what space of time? I mean, our CEO is somewhere far away and people will have to double-check the validity of the claims ere posting/publishing/et al something that may cause even further damage to our image. Hence a reply within 24 hours is good enough.


That said, those who continuously have a go at the climb should be banned from anything to do with Rangers, be it interviews, press conferences, entry into Ibrox et al. If their companies have a right to be there (contracts et al), they can send other people.

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What sort of reaction people do expect and in what space of time? I mean, our CEO is somewhere far away and people will have to double-check the validity of the claims ere posting/publishing/et al something that may cause even further damage to our image. Hence a reply within 24 hours is good enough.


That said, those who continuously have a go at the climb should be banned from anything to do with Rangers, be it interviews, press conferences, entry into Ibrox et al. If their companies have a right to be there (contracts et al), they can send other people.


Like I said in the article, I'm not expecting a 24/7 emergency RFC response team - just an acknowledgement from the club that there is a problem and they are genuinely dealing with it.


The club didn't respond to this issue within 24 hours. The initial claims were made early in the week so the club could easily have responded then - even unofficially by leaking a response to our own friendly network of bloggers or journalists. As I said yesterday in the Orlit thread, if you can't beat them - join them!


Remember we pay upwards of £300K per annum on PR. I'm not always convinced we're getting a good return on that front.

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The battle of the PR can and should works both ways, but we never seam to go on the attack. It's not like our enemies never have any negative stories to beat them with. Take the Vermin's Dundee away game IRAoke and scum on scum fight. We should have been in there making the most of that, but not a peep, take the fight to the enemy or forever be in a rearguard action.

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Foresight and penetrative thought.


Rangers PR should slavishly adhere to the above. The usual suspects had been rumbling with increasing excitement over an Asian finance firm possibly issuing a writ against our club. Phil McNumerousnames, McConville, and Thomson were ruminating and cranking the hate-wheel. The Daily Record's triumvirate is Alan Rennie, Austin Barret, and Kevin Mansi; all share the first three names' mindset.


If our club's PR had run interference on this a week past, then they would NOT be reacting(again) to it today and over the coming months.

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The battle of the PR can and should works both ways, but we never seam to go on the attack. It's not like our enemies never have any negative stories to beat them with. Take the Vermin's Dundee away game IRAoke and scum on scum fight. We should have been in there making the most of that, but not a peep, take the fight to the enemy or forever be in a rearguard action.


There's no way the club should be making public noises about the misbehavior of that mob and their groin brigade. Our fans take care of that offensive.

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There's no way the club should be making public noises about the misbehavior of that mob and their groin brigade. Our fans take care of that offensive.


I'm not talking about public utterances from the club, i'm talking about the black art of PR. Use outside sources for quotes and useful media outlets to place negative stories, that strategy is being used with successful effect against our club.

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Kind of ridiculous though isn't it, that Rangers should have to respond to what COULD be a normal business transaction. What pathetic, petty minded person is sticking so close to us that they are digging up this shit.


I actually thought the response of 'not worthy of further comment' was pretty good. The fans who say they have trust in Green should trust him then. Half the Rangers fans on my twitter yesterday were in overdrive freaking the fuck out. What's the point in that? All you do is feed the trolls.

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