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RFC statement-media reports

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Should Green have to prove he's not the Yorkshire ripper if someone says it?


The whole idea is illogical. The money was raised, end of.


I can feel another the balifs aren't coming on Wednesday type denial coming on this one. I hope your right though. surely even you would have to start wondering if this was true?

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he's at 100% this week.


though I hear he got something wrong about gay marriage the other day.


Going by what I've read, he's no where near. He jumped in with both feet egged on by his pals who have dropped him in it before and went off half cocked, you would think he would've learned by now.

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I can feel another the balifs aren't coming on Wednesday type denial coming on this one. I hope your right though. surely even you would have to start wondering if this was true?


LOL, comedy gold mate, away to your bed or you'll sleep in tomorrow. :)

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Going by what I've read, he's no where near. He jumped in with both feet egged on by his pals who have dropped him in it before and went off half cocked, you would think he would've learned by now.


I don't have Twitter but so far as I can see the club have confirmed pretty much everything he's said.


the facts at least, perhaps not his take on it. but its always the facts that are important in any story for me.

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Should Green have to prove he's not the Yorkshire ripper if someone says it?


The whole idea is illogical. The money was raised, end of.


It doesn't really affect the club if green is the yorkshire ripper. Him not being truthful about the ipo, does. Like I said, show us the bank statements, and I'll stfu.

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I'm assuming their is a long list of things he's got wrong about rangers given people's reactions but I don't have Twitter.


so I'm looking at his record this week and wondering why people think he'd wrong.


is it wishful thinking or is he often wrong?


I have been following most of what he says both on Twitter and here. I don't follow him any more because I wouldn't give him the oxygen but many of the people I do follow, follow him. You are certainly not a stupid person , so I can only assume you are at the windup here by asking what AT has done wrong. I actually cannot believe that Channel 4 continue to give this guy a platform to indulge himself.

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