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Traynor-Time For Fans To Unite

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With all due respect, this is the problem. All fans sing offensive songs, not just us. Can you send me link to traynor castigating other fans , implying that they aren't decent people, and Scotland is better off without us in Europe? He has a right as a journalist to say what he wants, just like I have the right to not forget it, and feel sick that we are now paying him a good wage.


He wasn't asked about other fans, he was sitting watching some of us acting like prats, I agree he shouldn't have sweep a wide blanket over all the support and he should apologise to some of us.


Me I've had a smack when I deserved it and I've had a smack when I've not, one thing I've learned in my old age is its their country and their rules.


But we have more pressing matters to worry us than something JT said years ago.

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My point is, I'm exercising my right to not read pish from known Rangers haters. Just like JT suggests at the end of his rabble rousing essay. Some of us still remember his own "bile" against us when he wasn't on our payroll. I can't say too much about him, because it upsets some of our more deluded posters, who go crying to mods because people tell the truth.


Would you take Alex Ferguson as your next manager? Too right you would. But he lied on paper and said he was hounded out of Ibrox because his wife was a Catholic i.e. for sectarian reasons, when in actual fact he had become a liability on the park and was heavily to blame for a thrashing we took against them in the Scottish Cup Final. So I think it's a convenience because you just don't like Traynor full stop.


And your signature should have gone long ago. It should never have been a signature. It was a point that should and could have been made in a thread. It was doing the job of our worst enemies by being up there multitudes of times on every thread you decided to be negative about, sorry, participate in.

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How in the world would that make you a hypocrite? Surely you back Rangers through whatever means inspite of who the owner, CEO, manager etc is?


Having a bad manager isn't a reason to withdraw financial support, having a bad owner/CE, is. I have better things to spend my money on than greens gas bill. People like green rely on unquestionablle loyalty from supporters to make profit for themsleves. I choose not to encourage that behaviour. Doesn't mean I stopped following Rangers, or my view wont change once he's gone. Saying that, I didn't go to Ibrox until everyone responsible for bringing mojo was gone. Then we got whyte......

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Comeoffit - I posted below on a previous thread (C Green on his travels) and it went unanswered. I'm still curious:


"Comeoffit, I'm interested - was there a time when you were happy as a Rangers Man? If so, who was in charge of the Club? Who was the manager?

Given the choice now, what would your decision be? Who would you have in charge of the Club (I know names are difficult but what would they do different from CG?). Who would be manager? What players would you have?

If you answer with "anyone but the guys that are there now because they are ....." then you have no real reason to criticise anyone trying to maintain a positive attitude. And before you say "maintain a positive attitude? You mean be deluded...etc etc" was Mr Struth deluded when he made his speech about us enduring times of hardship but coming through it stronger [and with the dignity of Rangers Men]? "

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No. I would take fergie as our manager. He should have been hounded out for having a bead rattling wife, same as souness. At least in those days we actually stood for something, and our support was somewhat united in a "cause". Now we are polluted with hand-wringers, that often do us more damage than our real enemies.


Says it all I think :facepalm: even although I'm not sure what it's saying. You would take him and then "hound him out for having a bead rattling wife"? :wtf:

So you wouldn't have had Albertz, Amoruso, Amato, Gio, etc etc i.e. "bead rattlers"?

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Last time I was truly happy with Rangers was the day before we signed mojo. Since then I've always been a moaning twat about us. I don't have all the answers to our current predicament, I can just see that we are heading down a rocky road again.


I suppose I'm interested in whether you ever channel your energy into have any answers on how you would have things.Or is moaning just what you know?

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I suppose I'm interested in whether you ever channel your energy into have any answers on how you would have things.Or is moaning just what you know?


We should boycott season books until green sells up. We shouldn't buy books until we have someone at he helm with Rangers best interests at heart. Radical eh.

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And that sums you right up


I think this does

We should boycott season books until green sells up. We shouldn't buy books until we have someone at he helm with Rangers best interests at heart. Radical eh.




Rangers do not need fans like that as far as I'm concerned.

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