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Traynor-Time For Fans To Unite

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I don't understand why it takes an article by JT to make this happen?, I think he is correct though,if all Rangers fans stopped buying the RHecord it would have an effect, same for all the other media outlets.Can all the Rangers fans agree to do this?,obviously not!,we'll see though, it might happen?.


It is a good statement,but I can't help thinking that JT was part of all this pish/lies in the media before he got a job with Rangers!.

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Looks like someone is having a tantrum at being told to calm down a bit.


I wasn't told to "calm down a bit". My signature about how traynor used to speak about us, was censored because of complaints from posters. To be fair, traynor probably has an account here, and he doesn't really like people reminding him of his past regarding what he has written about us. Now he is writing shite about the very way that he used to act. Another pig with his nose in the trough. He even admits he's not a Rangers fan. Big surprise.

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I wasn't told to "calm down a bit". My signature about how traynor used to speak about us, was censored because of complaints from posters. To be fair, traynor probably has an account here, and he doesn't really like people reminding him of his past regarding what he has written about us. Now he is writing shite about the very way that he used to act. Another pig with his nose in the trough. He even admits he's not a Rangers fan. Big surprise.


Do you hold stuff like Ally rejecting the club three times against him?

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Do you hold stuff like Ally rejecting the club three times against him?


I don't remember Ally saying that our fans weren't "decent people", or that he is happy we are pumped from europe because of the shame we bring on Scotland. Slight difference to Ally not joining us for football reasons, and what the oaf has said about us.

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Haven't bought a paper in 3 years and haven't missed them one bit, I really can't understand any Rangers fan buying them its just baffling.


Although now JT has said don't buy, Comeoffit will be signed up to every red top on a subscription.


Good article by JT.

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I wasn't told to "calm down a bit". My signature about how traynor used to speak about us, was censored because of complaints from posters. To be fair, traynor probably has an account here, and he doesn't really like people reminding him of his past regarding what he has written about us. Now he is writing shite about the very way that he used to act. Another pig with his nose in the trough. He even admits he's not a Rangers fan. Big surprise.


surely not? surely bloody not? serious question.

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Surprise surprise the usual suspect acting all "UBER " yet again , Rangers can do nothing right in your eyes can they


Is traynor "Rangers" now? He is an employee, nothing more. Just like the bead rattling stewards we employ. Are they "Rangers" also?

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