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Someone dumping shares in RIFC

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Seems there was a trade of 100,00 shares on Friday at below market price that only came to light today.


Apologies for the formatting changed it but it seemed to reset itself.


Recent Share Trades for Rangers Int (RFC)

Date Time Trade Prc Volume Buy/Sell Bid Ask Value

8-Feb-13 15:30:20 75.00 100,000 Sell* 80.00 84.00 75.00k



12-Feb-1315:25:3281.00136Sell* 80.0084.00110.16O



12-Feb-1313:12:0481.001,851Sell* 80.0084.001,499O



12-Feb-1311:56:3081.001,000Sell* 80.0084.00810.00O



12-Feb-1311:27:5781.0012,265Sell* 80.0084.009,935O



12-Feb-1310:34:3581.00200Sell* 80.0084.00162.00O




12-Feb-1309:14:4881.5010Sell* 80.0084.008.15O



11-Feb-1314:12:0880.001,046Sell* 80.0084.00836.80O



11-Feb-1308:23:5081.6061Sell* 80.0084.0049.78O



8-Feb-1315:34:2083.001,000Buy* 80.0084.00830.00O



8-Feb-1314:21:2680.00200Sell* 80.0084.00160.00O



8-Feb-1313:52:1481.7018Sell* 80.0084.0014.71O



7-Feb-1316:24:3077.0023,000Sell* 80.0084.0017.71kO



7-Feb-1314:59:5481.75619Sell* 80.0084.00506.03O



7-Feb-1314:34:2480.00614Sell* 80.0084.00491.20O




*Buys and Sells are calculated on the difference between the trade price and the current mid price. As such, they can occasionally be incorrect.

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It means that someone dumped 100,000 shares at nearly 10% below market price and someone requested a delay in publication of the trade, there were two similar delayed publication trades the previous week.


yes but what does that mean mate? is it good or bad for us?

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It means someone is selling shares at a loss and doesn't want anyone knowing about it in real time.


How much did they sell them for? Was it below the original purchase price or just below the current market value? (Can't really make it out from the OP).

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