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Green - Choose Me Or Murray

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If Green told us he was going on a NASA mission to Mars we wouldn't be hanging around to wait and see if he actually did before commenting that he was talking rubbish and he's made claims in statements, interviews and Q&A sessions that are realistically no more likely to happen than him taking a trip to the red planet.


You never know Zappa, the amount of money he is making he could probably book a ticket. :)

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You never know Zappa, the amount of money he is making he could probably book a ticket. :)


If Richard Branson wasn't so switched-on Green would probably try to sell him advertising space on Mars in exchange for a ticket!

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Green too has a fiduciary duty but given his wild rambling claims of "£100m turnover" and "worth half a billion" etc. you wouldn't think so, how AIM haven't rapped his knuckles yet is beyond me.


This kind of outlandish nonsense is par for the course on the AIM . PT Barnum would be right at home there.

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