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Billy Davies - Did We Miss A Trick

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They will just tell you we never gave him a proper Transfer window, and he didn't get a fair crack of the whip.


Fans leaving in droves will lose him his job there are already a few thousand who've stopped going since they realised things were never going to improve. He'll need to get the team playing much better quickly next season because the fans won't accept anything else.

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Fans leaving in droves will lose him his job there are already a few thousand who've stopped going since they realised things were never going to improve. He'll need to get the team playing much better quickly next season because the fans won't accept anything else.


He's already got his excuses in for the first month of the new season. The team will be full of kids so he says, don't understand why that would be. He will get to increase an already overinflated budget during the summer with new SPL players and he won't move on any we foolishly gave long term deals to because no SPL team is stupid enough to pay those wages. Does he expect players he's ruined to just walk away from a good contract because he can't get them playing football after 9 months.

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He's already got his excuses in for the first month of the new season. The team will be full of kids so he says, don't understand why that would be. He will get to increase an already overinflated budget during the summer with new SPL players and he won't move on any we foolishly gave long term deals to because no SPL team is stupid enough to pay those wages. Does he expect players he's ruined to just walk away from a good contract because he can't get them playing football after 9 months.


Good points GA.


Let's face facts people. We need a new manager ASAP and no amount of debate will change my opinion on that one. Ally is a great guy and a legend at our club but he will never be a football manager in a million years

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What I have noticed with a number of our Div3 opposition is that they defend in numbers. They are organised and more often than not handle out advances. However, a major difference compared to when we have used similar tactics, is that some of these teams are able to break out of defense fairly quickly and push men forward with pace - this then puts us right on the back foot & leaves us vulnerable. When we break out of defense, it tends to be at a more leisurely pace, giving the opposition time to get men back....


What team did we play those tactics with at a leisurely pace? Did the pace of the likes of Beasley and Darcheville not make those tactics effective enough to take us to the UEFA cup final? Beyond that did we not see the same tactics of parking the bus and countering at pace used to good effect with Davis, Naismith, Miler, Jelavic and even Aluko?


This season when we break out of defence we've usually got a free run to the halfway line before we hit a brick wall. We've seldom had any opportunity to hit teams on the counter. The whole point I've been making is that we haven't been using those tactics because they would be unacceptable against this level of opposition.

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Shush mate, Billy Davies is the saviour of choice amongst those in the know. It's clear to see he could take a decimated,embargoed team and get them playing silky football in SFL 3. I mean come on, he's taken his team to fifth in the Chamionship, what more proof do you need?


What? Who's asking for "silky" football? Football (full stop) would be a friggin improvement on the sheit we've had to endure.

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