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We've improved this year

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We were 17 points behind Celtic after 17 games last year, this year we're only 16, so that's an improvement...


God it's depressing.


I think someone really needs to get stuck into le Guen and demand answers of him like: "FFS - 16 pts!!! Falkirk! St Johnstone!! Please, please explain to me how the hell can you sleep at nights while being this shit? How can you show your face in public? When are you going to show us that you have the slightest idea about managing Rangers?"


The thing that pisses me off is that he rubs salt into the wounds by being so crap with the press. It's so refreshing to listen to managers like John Collins and Yogi Hughs, who just tell it as it is. Even Gordon Strachan is far more open and acknowledging in his answers.


Le Guen is following Ecks lead by patronising us instead of giving honest answers.


I really think le Guen need a big kick up the arse instead of the kid gloves he's been getting. He needs someone to give him an epiphany, that light bulb moment that says, "you're obviously doing something wrong, and if you keep doing it, you'll most likely get the same results."


But there is another bit of wisdom that applies here, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge."

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I think Le Guen's command of the language is probably what is hampering things with the press.


I fear the Manager and the Players brought in need time to settle in to Scottish football and life. Although we are running out of patience, it is imperative to ensure that we support in adversity. After all we are second in the table, and we are playing absolutely rank rotten football. Yes C****c are miles in front, but they have been given funds to buy - Hesslink, Graveson etc.... and it looks like they will build on that in January. Murray needs to fund players to be brought in. He can no longer keep the purse strings shut with the "we don't want to be in debt again" line. If he spews that shite again he must sell...

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My m8 works in bamboo. He said Alan Hutton was out on the sunday night after the game. Tipped him 50 quid.



what's wrong with that? does he want more? or is your mate the bawbag? or is it because he's a rangers player who after a shocking rangers game went out to get a drink and a bite to eat?

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It really bugs the s**t out of me that we are so far behind the scum, but it would be less of a problem if we were at least moving forward, improving as a team and as individuals and PLG was showing some signs that he was gettin' to grips with the demands of the SPL.


We are NOT and he ISN'T.


We are no further forward than we were last season. Lack of commitment, aggression and imagination. Questionable tactics and team selections and the most annoying thing of all....A distinct lack of PASSION, especially by our esteemed leader and his assistant.


I don't believe for a minute you have to be the greatest coach in the world to realise that these things are essential ingredients for a football team. No matter what your level of expectation is.


Derek Ferguson was on Rangers TV today, talking about the Falkirk game and Rangers in general. He pretty much echoed what alot of us say on here about our concerns. Interesting nevertheless.


After listening to Fergie snr. It wouldn't be the worst idea for PLG to have a chat with him and hopefully realise what is required to at least get us movin' forward.


It's not rocket science Paul. Just footballing fundamentals that every team should have.....and we're DESPERATE for. :(

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Guest Stan Smith

Got to say that whilst I am happy to wait on the PLG blueprint coming to fruition, he absolutely needs to get the bread and butter stuff sown up. If he doesnt get this shambles sorted out (even if it means compromising a wee bit) then I suspect he will leave, reputation damaged and prospective employers wary of his perceived stubborness and lack of vision.

Immediately drop the centre backs, get two Scottish journey men in, who do nothing but win the ball. Tell them to do nothing except Row Z or(if possible) ball to midfield to build for a start.

As a veteran of the Greig years, I am waiting on the crowds dropping and the hard core being left.....not what anyone wants generally

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Le guen doesn't give us the answers simply because he doesn't like talking to the press. Every time he is talking to them he wants to get away quickly as possible he likes to keep himself to himself

Got to say his english is coming on very well

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If PLG is still not comfortable with the press, then someone else should be speaking to them as well as him as we're not hearing the right things coming out of Ibrox at the moment. Agree with Stan though, he needs to get the centre back positions sorted out quickly or I think he will lose a lot of respect and patience with a lot of the fans.

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Put it this way, was in the Daily Mail today comparing Le Guens record to that of John Barnes at Celtic, and we're mega points behind at the same stage!!! And when you consider our next 3 games are away at Aberdeen and Hibs and home to Celtic, probably the 3 form teams in the league at the moment I don't see the Le Guen record improving anytime soon, especially with our shocking away form this season.








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Guest Big_Gazza_Mc

we're actually at home to hibs the next game :thup:


I just think we need to keep a wee bit calm. When everyone was sayin give him a season, were they only sayin it cos they secretly didn't think they would have to? Because thats what it seems like. Give the guy a break. Yes, bread and butter errors as they appear to be called by the press and critics alike, are what is hampering us. But having a dominant centre back(s) is almost like trying to get another kris boyd type goal scorer (one of the hardest positions to fill) Can anyone name a scottish team, or for that fact a British team who have TWO great, dominating centre backs?? I seriously doubt you can. Even Chelsea, yes they have John Terry, but the other 2 for that position, Khalid Bhoularouz (sp?) and Ricardo Carvalho, hardly aerially dominating. The point im tryin to make is, ONE big "heafer" player and ONE clever player at the back is what is needed in Europe and Scotland. In Europe this year we're lucky we havn't faced a physical team so the 2 clever players IMO we have had at the back have performed brilliantly IMO. and as you all go on slating le guen, have you ever seen a Rangers team progress so comfortably in europe? because i havn't. even advocaat with his millions didn't do things as comfortable against the same standard teams. IMO Le Guen is an immense coach and will get it right next season in scotland, but this season he is proving he can cut it in Europe, which is HIS bread and butter.

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