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Glenn Gibbons: Green ignores flaw in England plan

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CHARLES Greenâ??s brand of demagoguery gives him the appearance of a real-life Elmer Gantry and often carries about as much credence.


Like the old hellfire-and-brimstone evangelist hero of Sinclair Lewisâ??s novel, the Rangers chief executiveâ??s bluster, bombast and threats will play better in the confines of a revival tent packed with susceptible wannabe believers than in the wider, harder-nosed world of business and commerce.


A substantial number of correspondents to newspapers and the internet have long since recognised that Greenâ??s occasional headline-grabbers in the media tend almost spookily to coincide with a need to deflect attention from other matters, revealing an admirable grasp of the concept of propaganda.


This is a perfectly legitimate device by which to attempt to persuade the clubâ??s followers of the worthwhile work being done on their behalf, even if the transparency of the flimflam occasionally damages his credibility. Few Ibrox watchers, for example, really expected that Green would quit if the thorn in his side, chairman Malcolm Murray, were not removed. With both men still on the board, nobody has been disappointed.


The issue on which Green has been tub-thumping longest and loudest, however, warrants proper attention, since it carries potentially more serious implications. It is, of course, the business of taking Rangers (and Celtic, for that matter) into English football.


Like the overwhelming majority of politicians, Green has been prosecuting his case by emphasising items on his own wish list, conveniently omitting the mention of possible obstructions. Principal among his arguments is the certainty that pursuing his objectives in court will unquestionably result in success, since his legal advisors have assured him that the prevention of cross-border competition by Fifa, Uefa and/or any other football body will be deemed unlawful.


Even a layman is unlikely to contest that claim, but it is introduced to the debate by Green and his disciples as if it were the only obstacle to his ambition. In fact, it ignores the most formidable hurdle of all: that the Premier League in England, like the SPL in Scotland and every other league in the world, remains a society of clubs with the right of admission.


When Richard Scudamore, the chief executive of the EPL, proclaims emphatically that the big Glasgow clubs will not gain entry, he does so in the certain knowledge that no court on earth has the authority to dictate which football clubs should be granted membership. A legal judgment which legitimises the principle of cross-border trade is not an obligation on established organisations to admit anyone who applies. The most difficult task in the entire process will always be to persuade the potential hosts to accept the evacuees.


But no amount of flaws in Greenâ??s case (there are others apart from the aforementioned) seems to be enough to discourage the easily swayed. One especially limited thinker proposed in print recently that, the courts having opened the gateway, all the SPL clubs should play in England, with Celtic and Rangers in the top division and the others spread among the lower tiers according to strength and status.


The suggestion of mass migration south doubtless appealed to the author of the plan as an original thought, but it seems to have been formed without due consideration of the high probability of harrowing consequences.


The most obvious â?? and potentially the most harmful â?? among these is that the formation of what would be undeniably an authentic British League would be the short route to disbandment of the home countries and the termination of separate identities on the football field.



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Agree with some of Gibbons' points (rare for me), but he's picked some odd examples to use.


Maybe Green's threat to resign if MM wasn't removed was genuine, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was leaked deliberately, maybe it wasn't. Either way, it was never part of an official CG statement and I for one struggle to believe that situation was a deliberated diversion (from what?), given the potential it had to unsettle investors.


On moving to England. Yes, Gibbons is correct, even winning a court case wouldn't force the Premiership to admit Rangers, but it does allow Green to find a lower league which would, thus enabling the Club to progress up the structure.


In an article suggesting CG ignores the inconvenient truths, Gibbons either hasn't thought his own argument through, or he's done exactly what he criticises Green for. Poor IMO.

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Oh look negative press on the day we could wrap up title, well I never. Don't remember Liewell getting ridiculed in the press for talking about going South, strange that.


As for the court case he must be one of those Mhanks who doesn't believe in court judgements unless its in their favour, strange that.

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Gibbons is one of the obsessed and I do not mean he is a Celtic man because I don't know, I only know he is anti Rangers.


The day after Scotland get all-round humiliated he finds nothing better to write about than Charles Green.


When the big inquest happens into the demise of Scottish football, guys like him will carry a lot of the blame for allowing the real culprits off Scot free and failing to investigate the real story. Instead they pander to the baying wolves.

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He's done the classic "the Premier League doesn't want you" thing ignoring that the lower leagues is where CG is aiming for. Coventry City may well be about to create a vacancy in League 1...


They're gunning for Charlie Green, they've been taking it in turns to have a pop at him for a while now. Ho dare he not like us!

Edited by Juancornetto
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Gibbons is one of the obsessed and I do not mean he is a Celtic man because I don't know, I only know he is anti Rangers.


The day after Scotland get all-round humiliated he finds nothing better to write about than Charles Green.


When the big inquest happens into the demise of Scottish football, guys like him will carry a lot of the blame for allowing the real culprits off Scot free and failing to investigate the real story. Instead they pander to the baying wolves.


Guys like Gibbons are getting paid by AND are part of the pack of baying wolves.

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we could force a move to england but the next word i want to hear from green on the subject is we have raised an court action.


in fact all i want to hear fro Charles are about things he has done from now on more or less.


The next words I want to hear from hear from him on the subject is 'We've been invited to join the english leagues and accepted. Leave the threats of court action a last resort.


I agree about wanting to hear about done deals though. No more moonbeams please Charles.

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